Well, not too much to report except for the fact that this weekend my voice had finally recovered enough so that I could sing again. Yee haw! I hit my favorite karaoke bar on Fri. night and did my best Radiohead impression....I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo.......
Then today I did my usual on Sundays.....simultaneously watch football, clean my room, and work on one of...
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buddy, you are so welcome! I have a queen bed and am gone half the week anyway... and with the way things are going, perhaps more! You are welcome to stay with me,... in January right?

Gives me enough time to unpack. *le sigh*
~ the angel* wink
People never cease to amaze me.....

'nuff said....... confused
Jingle my bells, baby! It's Christmas time!!
Ah! Back in NYC! I had a great time with my buddy in Detroit (bringing warmer clothes next time) but it's always great to come back home.
I'm getting my bed today! Woo hoo!
Well, this week I'm going to give the lounge in Times Square my two weeks notice. I hope they don't cry. I want to...
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one of these days i am going to come to new york and slap your little butt red. tongue
thanx biggrin
I can't sleep........
Well, here I am in Detroit on my last night.....did E for the first time tonight, and am lonely as hell now back at the house. Shit! Oh well. This sucks...but feels good...kinda...except fot the lonliness part. My friend said to look up porn on the internet.....but it ain't doing a damn thing....mad
Anyway, had a nice break from NYC for a...
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I just want to hug you.
Well, my internet is back up......sorta. Keeps coming and going mad so I figured I'd do an update while I can....
I posted a couple pictures in my profile of one of my coworkers from the other night when we got drunk with our boss. It's in the buddies folder...
I still haven't gotten my new bed yet. Everytime I plan on getting it, something else...
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Well, it's official.....Time Warner SUCKS....my internet connection at home is STILL down. I'm at Starbucks yet AGAIN....
Anyway, I got time off from both bartending jobs next week so I can go to Detroit with one of my buddies for Thanksgiving and to see the Colts/Lions game. I'll be out there from Wed-Sat.
Got wicked drunk last night with one of my bosses and cocktail...
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actually, if it werent for this girl i dated several years ago in high school, i woulda never liked football. she was from NY, so she was a die hard jets fan, and every weekend shed watch the games and Id be biored outta my skull. finally she taught me the rules of the game ... and after a game or so I was hooked! so since I started out watching football with a jets fan, i too became a jets fan. the rest is history!
i am going to vegas around that time... you should go there biggrin
My internet connection at home is down, so I'm on the wireless network here at work. Yep, I'm working on a Sunday. I hate working Sundays. Never again......
Anyway, I haven't heard anything about the American Eagle job so I guess I didn't get it. Oh well. Everything happens for a reason. Or maybe I'll hear from them this week biggrin
Still haven't gotten my new...
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I actually am a huge bucs fan, being from tampa and all wink But I am much more a jets fan!
jimminy crickets baby.
i take that you like it?
Okay.....this is my theory.......80% of the human population is stupid, genuinely STUPID. They can't help it, that's just how they are. Then another 10% are not actually stupid, but they just like to act like it. I don't know why, maybe they just don't care anymore so they do just like everybody else 'cause they figure "why not?" And then the last 10% have to...
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time for a fresh bed...naughty boy lol....

as for the bartending...people can be so pompous and rude! Its not like your standing at the bar doing nothing while he waits....

I woke up and its snowing! Alot. Time to hit the mountains soon!

Ugh! I don't feel so good today.....I think I'm getting sick. puke
Hopefully it goes away quickly.......
My sons name is william. smile

That syx you're feeling sick, what is it ... cold? hopefully not the flu, eeew!
Wow, I'm actually home at a somewhat decent time tonight (3:15 am)! That's a good thing since I have an appointment to meet with American Eagle early tomorrow afternoon about possibly being their fit model. I'm current the fit guy for Lonsdale, but having two fitting jobs would be sweet! biggrin We'll see. Gotta keep my fingers crossed.
Had a very interesting conversation with an older...
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have u ever been skiing? I imagine snoboarding is much harder than that, iceskating too ... all of which I am never allowed to do in my life due to surgeries. frown Bah!
I love AE...I order their clothes all the time online. Even better to see you wearing them lol.
Good luck with your new job oppertunity!!!!