I have decided that my time on SG has run it's course. Been here a year now, and I may come back one day, but for now I have to weigh up my outgoings and incomings. With university coming up, I need to scrimp and save as mucho as possible and even though I have made some wicked friends on here, I have decided that...
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Less than a month and I finish work. Then I move. And spend three years getting into ridiculous debt.
This past year has revealed so much to me about a lot of things. I've realised that you can't take anything for granted, but you can love it like you don't care if it goes tomorrow. I know that I never want my own children, but...
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This past year has revealed so much to me about a lot of things. I've realised that you can't take anything for granted, but you can love it like you don't care if it goes tomorrow. I know that I never want my own children, but...
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hello gorgeous!
Where you moving to?

Pretty clothes, perfect make-up and body to-die-for. That's where I wanna be.
I heart summer.
I heart summer.
i gues so yes
but also a colection of rare trainers makes you look like a dude!
i think
but also a colection of rare trainers makes you look like a dude!
i think
hey, we are well thanx. just been working loads for the conventions, thats all over for a bit now so time for a bit of fun i hope! hope all is well with you, when do you go to london?

My family are fine. I'm fine. My life has another memory. Another event that changes everything I thought I knew. But it opens new doors. Makes me think. I have to get on with it. Who knows what getting on with it will lead to, but unless I do, I will never find out.
We live and learn. We watch and experience. We are.
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We live and learn. We watch and experience. We are.
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I know. It was all so horrible
Not unexpected but even so, it was a horrible cowardly act to be carried out
[Edited on Jul 08, 2005 10:31PM]

[Edited on Jul 08, 2005 10:31PM]
I want to sit in a park on a warm summers day with a book in one hand. The other will alternate between feeding me cherries, picking up a gin and tonic and smoking a Malborough Menthol cigarette. I will be all alone in my little world until someone sits next to me, content with saying nothing and leaving me a little note on the...
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"Since when have D12 become D10? Did two of them leave?"
My quote of my life of stupid moments. You had to be there to get it. But anyway, the life is bling and hardcore and wicked style cool. I love it. I also love the fact that I start uni in less than two months. Cannot wait to get away from Birmingham, even though...
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My quote of my life of stupid moments. You had to be there to get it. But anyway, the life is bling and hardcore and wicked style cool. I love it. I also love the fact that I start uni in less than two months. Cannot wait to get away from Birmingham, even though...
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Oooh I start uni then too cept I'm going to Birmingham(well Aston)-anything I should know?

Hooray for leaving home! I can't wait either. I'm off to my own little flat by the sea. So excited. Which uni are you scampering off to? I'm sure i've asked you before... but i'm rubbish.
big red tractors,
Meelee xx
big red tractors,
Meelee xx
Time for a little update.
Life is treating me okay. Body is on the verge of collapse. I need more bank holiday weekends in my life to recouperate from the stresses and strains of the thing we call life. My bank account needs a massive top up after my weekend in London - not even going out, just shopping (although I got loads of wicked...
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Life is treating me okay. Body is on the verge of collapse. I need more bank holiday weekends in my life to recouperate from the stresses and strains of the thing we call life. My bank account needs a massive top up after my weekend in London - not even going out, just shopping (although I got loads of wicked...
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I'm happy for you, glad that your almost done with school...How much do make artist make? I hope alot considering you make unhappy people very happy, like me....!!!!
We should go shopping eachother in London, fun fun fun...
We should go shopping eachother in London, fun fun fun...
Was cool hanging out with you at download, let me know when you are next around, I have photos for you too.
I buy waaaaaaay too much make-up. It's all good though. It means I can make people look pretty. And make myself look pretty too. I bought BOTH of the Dior Princess Rings - oh my god they are the most bling and gorgeous things EVER! I am slowly becoming a Dior whore - its the whole John Galliano thing, he's just amazing. I almost ahd...
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There's no business like show business...good luck!
That sounds lovely

I got new hair. And a new pink glittery scarf thingy. Its sooo pretty. I went out with a load of peoples on Saturday and it was so good. AlwaysBeingBlue, Frankie and Fanny = kick ass hot mama's. I love those girls. They rock. Ah, memories of that night will be with me for ever and ever.
Anyway, new hair rocks. It's the same...
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Anyway, new hair rocks. It's the same...
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^ don't listen to him ^
he totally gave it to you
(and i mean i was sober enough to remember that)
oh lovey i had such a cool time - thanxx for making it all happen
he totally gave it to you
(and i mean i was sober enough to remember that)
oh lovey i had such a cool time - thanxx for making it all happen

hey honey, what you up to this weekend, we are off to academy for a change if you wanna come. we are also going to the scala kerrang thingy in june, are you going to that? hope your week is going well.

I'm having such a blast right now. My course is four weeks away from finishing and I've improved so much from when I first started. My dance lessons once a week are keeping me active and I'm always happy after I go to them and look forward to going as well. My friends are still amazing, and I get to party on down with some...
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Briar Rose was a good idea (despite my trouble finding it but hey i did in the end haha) Good to have met you (properly).
I love MAC make-up! You lucky girl!
Haven't seen you for aaages. Hope all is good and that you have a cracking time in London. Hopefully i'll be there next year too.
It has been a pleasure and a joy