Ok , so by now you have heard about the infamous Tess Holiday. The Hashtag #Effyourbeautystandards.
Where the fuck was all this when I was a plump high schooler scared to show off my white chubby calf in some summer shorts?
I know alot of people, female and males have either taken the 'cover that up' side or the 'body positive' side. I'm over here stuck in the 'why???' mode.
Its no secret that models are no longer the 1995 Kate Moss waifs strutting down the runway with rumored eating disorders which would make teenage girls all think Anorexia was the next cool thing to have. Models actually eating cheesy dripping pizza's and preaching about the raddest vegan recipes are gracing all the fashion blogs. Girls who squat, them bubble butts, curves and basically all body types are celebrated.
So where am I going with this?
Surprisingly not where you think. I have embarked on a journey of weightloss recently. After YEARS of yo-yo dieting, no carbs, all carbs, detoxing, onion soup diet (ARRRG I SHUDDER) vegetarian dieting (eating cheese all day makes you fat!) eating just apples for weeks, binge eating, eating disorders, health problems, the whole nine yards, I finally accept my body.
Just accept it, in all its glory.
I love my thunder thighs, my breasts spilling out my bra sometimes and the stretch marks.
So after all that effort and wasted years......I try EXERCISE! I mean i was the kid in school making up ridiculous ailments to get out of gym class. but after finally accepting the fact that its my body, here i am , 7 months later 12kgs down. I have gaps and curves in places i have never had before. Its glorious!
So my question is this: Why Tess Holiday?
If body positive means loving your body, does it not mean taking care of your body? Surely being overweight is a sign of unhealthiness? I mean i am one to talk, it took me YEARS to get to this point. But it has made SO much difference in my life. If you had another two hours I could ramble on about how this simple fitness and weightless regime has affected my life in such a positive way! But The whole Body positive movement seems a bit ........lacking ........ I mean I understand loving your body, that's how it got me here, on suicidegirls in the first place, but you mustn't stop there! it should be the Love Yourself Enough To Get Healthy Movement!
I totally respect Tess Holidays' confidence, her swag, her beauty, and I applaud her for saying Eff the Haters! I do love everything she stands for but I wish people would see this movements potential. The potential for Loving Yourself Enough To change!!!!! If someone had just told me this ten years ago!!!!!!
Anyway, the online debate carries on, the cyber bullies are out in all their numbers in all the blogs I read about plus plus size models...... but whatever your choice or stance on this is, remember one thing, everyone has their own struggles. Their years of complete awkwardness and awfulness and struggles with their appearances. For me, my journey into the realm of health and fitness is just beginning and I'm enjoying every second :)
thanks for reading this to the end if you have, I would love to know your opinions on the #Effyourbeautystandards online debate......