I haven't been this happy and...fulfilled for a long time. Life is nice
"Never Work Hard. Let us reject tedious work. It goes against human nature, against the cosmic rhythms, it goes against man himself, to take trouble where none is needed. It is natural for him to apply himself to avoiding such work; to use every instrument that comes to hand, every favorable chance which can help him out, to make his work easier and more pleasant."
-Jean Dubuffet, eccentric, cool artist, from 'Notes for the Well-Lettered' 1946
Let's paint!

"Never Work Hard. Let us reject tedious work. It goes against human nature, against the cosmic rhythms, it goes against man himself, to take trouble where none is needed. It is natural for him to apply himself to avoiding such work; to use every instrument that comes to hand, every favorable chance which can help him out, to make his work easier and more pleasant."
-Jean Dubuffet, eccentric, cool artist, from 'Notes for the Well-Lettered' 1946
Let's paint!

It's not so much that I'm looking for a girlfriend. I'm just looking to be more intentional about my relationships so that when I hook up with someone, I'm fully there emotionally.