Happy Happy Joy Joy!
My summer vacation commences in a matter of hours. I'm goin' to Mexico tommorow morn and will be meeting my family (who I have not seen since janurary) in Lyon. My Imac is playing 'Happy Song' by the Nips (bigirishgead, you should know who 'the nips' are!) and that is how i feel. I'm so happy i could cry.
[there is guilt also though, leaving Dracula my new cat for 10 days, Pizball will feed him but still...]
My summer vacation commences in a matter of hours. I'm goin' to Mexico tommorow morn and will be meeting my family (who I have not seen since janurary) in Lyon. My Imac is playing 'Happy Song' by the Nips (bigirishgead, you should know who 'the nips' are!) and that is how i feel. I'm so happy i could cry.
[there is guilt also though, leaving Dracula my new cat for 10 days, Pizball will feed him but still...]

mexico.........cool..................i had a burrito today,but im not sure that has anything to do with mexico.....im a tard though......cool...
Mmm tequila