I can't wait for my new kitten! I wish I had pics.
Ok, so who is doing the cover of Joy Division's "Ceremony" for the Absolut commercial?
Well, today sucks so far and I haven't even got out of bed. Sucks when you want to do something nice for someone and they end up making you cry.
that does suck.
104 degrees is just not normal.
I woke up at 7am, after sleeping on the living room floor for about 3 hours, to Shaun telling me we are leaving and going to a motel. So, here we are, in an overpriced, but air conditioned motel room. Oh, and I'm still sweaty cause he took the bed closer to the AC unit and he's sort of...
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I woke up at 7am, after sleeping on the living room floor for about 3 hours, to Shaun telling me we are leaving and going to a motel. So, here we are, in an overpriced, but air conditioned motel room. Oh, and I'm still sweaty cause he took the bed closer to the AC unit and he's sort of...
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i had to get a motel room in nashville once when the air went out at my house. bentley wouldnt move it was so hot. i was the most miserable human on the planet that day. brutal heat wave.
I did not think my sleeping schedule could get too much more screwed up. Now it has. The past few days/nights, we have been going to sleep early (11 or 12), waking up at 3 or 4, then going back to sleep between 9-noon. It's mostly the heat, it makes it hard to sleep at night, and then all I want to do during the...
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that is some brutal heat for portland
I wish I was gonna be in SF for the 4th. Everyone have extra fun for me, thanks.
I do too! And I never even lived there, but all the activities sound so fun. I will probably stay home all day tomorrow making sure my dog doesn't have a heart attack from the fireworks.
So i am for sure coming to Portland in August. For real this time.
So i am for sure coming to Portland in August. For real this time.
I went bowling last night. I suck at bowling, but I kind want to get into it. I had no idea there was a bowling alley so close to my apartment. And there's a shitty strip club across the street which I also enjoyed, even though we spent a good deal of time outside (by the pool?!?!). I am sticking to beer lately when I...
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Me and Ray wanted to party with you tonight. TFB for us.
I'm might be in Porlandia around lateish Augusto.
I'm up, early, cause Taco Bell called me. Last week I emailed them to complain about their consistently shitty service at the TB we always go to. They want to talk to me on the phone about it. I see some free tacos in my future. I would find this funnier if I wasn't so tired.
I bought it at Ross.
the picture of you wearing a furby thing (is that what it is? i don't know) just made me laugh really hard for like five minutes.
Thunder and lightning are things I enjoy. I really like the weather here.
Hanging out with you was my favorite part. I hope you want to and can come down here some time soon.
Wait, did you want me to have them respond?
So much for the not drinking this week. Our internet and cable went out, we went drinking. It was very hot, we met some friends, it was fun.
man. as much fun as i have always had being a drinker (bad times and bullshit aside), i just can't do it anymore. i wish i could. i got slipped some shit and now i have some weird-ass mental block or food aversion to it.. i just can't handle my booze so well these days.