I have decided to stay... In know... what only a week of descision...
I have met some cool people on here and don't really need to leave.
I guess I just feel it's usually gloom and doom that people always tend to write about... I will just choose not to read those journals. I am generally a very positive person, so negativity eats at me.
other news. Last night we got to hang out with the lovely missdreadful, she was ravishing as always.... Love the new haircut... but I already told her that like 10 times It was the Green kid's birthday celebration, and who would have thunk I could have just as much fun at a bar eating tons of candy as opposed to having a single drink I was driving. we got some what lost on the way home... I turned around when we were on the right road... I should ALWAYS trust my gut instinct... instead we took a lovely sceninc detour of the town I grew up in.... but at 1 in the morning it was a lot different on the back roads hahha
have a great sunday all!
I have met some cool people on here and don't really need to leave.
I guess I just feel it's usually gloom and doom that people always tend to write about... I will just choose not to read those journals. I am generally a very positive person, so negativity eats at me.
other news. Last night we got to hang out with the lovely missdreadful, she was ravishing as always.... Love the new haircut... but I already told her that like 10 times It was the Green kid's birthday celebration, and who would have thunk I could have just as much fun at a bar eating tons of candy as opposed to having a single drink I was driving. we got some what lost on the way home... I turned around when we were on the right road... I should ALWAYS trust my gut instinct... instead we took a lovely sceninc detour of the town I grew up in.... but at 1 in the morning it was a lot different on the back roads hahha
have a great sunday all!
staying is good. depressing journals are not.
I look at a lot of negative as a virus ... makes a person sick once you become infected.