Another lovely day here in WA., clouds and rain and clouds and more clouds and rain. Wait... holy shit I see the sun!! Aaaand it's gone again. But at least the clouds and rain are back. It ALMOST never gets old. At least I have leftover firecracker salmon from last night. If you are a little confused as to what firecracker salmon may be then I highly recommend that you look up the recipe online (right now) and then make your way to the nearest food distributer that has fish, pick up a nice fillet and return home, and then cook and eat said fillet as quickly as possible. The marinade also works very well with steak, and probaby chicken. You could also just drink it I guess (it's that good) but be careful, the volatile nature of the name is not a gimmick; it has a kick. And if you live in an area where fresh salmon is not available then you have my most sincere apologies, though I bet it's sunny and warm at your place right now so don't bitch.
My wheelchair is back in working order, still missing a piece but it shouldn't be too long before I get it. Hopefully it comes before friday though because there is a birthday party at my old favorite watering hole, it's for my ex-wife but it's cool, I still enjoy her company sometimes. Plus the bar is shutting down (insert sad face here) and it is important that I at least go give a farewell to my favorite bartender. I never go there anymore and it's only right I suppose. It's funny to think now that I spent the majority of my free time there at one point in my life, whenever I wasn't working you could find me there leaning over a pool table, or maybe singing some bad kareoke if I was drunk enough. All the nights spent walking home with my old roommate/best friend, stealing stop signs and slap boxing in the middle of the street at 3 o'clock in the morning. All the fun and interesting people I got to know and love. All the drama that comes along with any bar that you have to be a regular to know about and understand. Not to mention the fights and other incidents that I was involved in in the few short years that I spent there. All these things are what made it my home away from home, and while I am not proud that I gave that much of myself to a bar I am forced to acknowledge that I had some great times there, and I will miss it when it is gone. There is also a good chance that I may get WASTED saturday night when I am there, so if I do you can all probably look forward to some drunken blogging. A rockin good time in anyone's book I am sure.
So until then, farewell, and may you find comfort in small things.
My wheelchair is back in working order, still missing a piece but it shouldn't be too long before I get it. Hopefully it comes before friday though because there is a birthday party at my old favorite watering hole, it's for my ex-wife but it's cool, I still enjoy her company sometimes. Plus the bar is shutting down (insert sad face here) and it is important that I at least go give a farewell to my favorite bartender. I never go there anymore and it's only right I suppose. It's funny to think now that I spent the majority of my free time there at one point in my life, whenever I wasn't working you could find me there leaning over a pool table, or maybe singing some bad kareoke if I was drunk enough. All the nights spent walking home with my old roommate/best friend, stealing stop signs and slap boxing in the middle of the street at 3 o'clock in the morning. All the fun and interesting people I got to know and love. All the drama that comes along with any bar that you have to be a regular to know about and understand. Not to mention the fights and other incidents that I was involved in in the few short years that I spent there. All these things are what made it my home away from home, and while I am not proud that I gave that much of myself to a bar I am forced to acknowledge that I had some great times there, and I will miss it when it is gone. There is also a good chance that I may get WASTED saturday night when I am there, so if I do you can all probably look forward to some drunken blogging. A rockin good time in anyone's book I am sure.
So until then, farewell, and may you find comfort in small things.
Yes I love the weather here so much I'm going to deploy again to have a nice vacation from it .. which bar is this?