For a long time now I have been contemplating on a way to share some of the information that I have learned in one short blog but... this may not be possible. I may need to write a book, here is a sample at least.
On the power of voice, and sound:
On the power of voice, and sound:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
To start I will tell you of an experiment I conducted not too long ago, on my four year old English Bulldog named "Titus." First you must understand that as far as temperment is concerned he may be the sweetest creature alive, a little dumb perhaps, but I love him anyway, and no way would he ever bite me or anyone, it's just not in his nature. Ok, that's settled so moving on to a little back story leading up to this experiement. A few years ago I was researching cell phone use and the possible negative effects associated with being exposed to different magnetic fields, I learned that in the 50's the government was doing major research in the same field but for very different reasons. They were trying to learn how to manipulate peoples' minds with different sounds, using ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves for prolonged periods of time at varying frequencies and then watching what would happen, how the person(s) would react, in a nutshell. I later learned that some if not all oil companies have employed ELF technology in the past as a type of sonar to make maps of pockets of oil in the earth's crust, this is how they know how much oil they have and where exactly it is located, they can also see natural gas and who knows what else. This research eventually led me to HAARP, which is an atmospheric research center in northern Alaska owned and operated by the US Air Force. I will not go into too much detail because HAARP and why it is scary deserves it's own blog, but basically it is a GIANT array of 60' antennas that shoot ELF waves on an unimaginable level into our ionosphere, (the magnetic shield that blocks out the Sun's radiation, generated by the earths iron core) conspiracy theorys abound here about what such a thing would do to our planet but I will not get into them now. It is one of those things I almost wish I could unlearn though.
Now back to my theory. I had to sit on this information and let it digest before it became useful, for years I carried it around with me like a monkey on my back. I shared this information with everyone I knew though and most just stared blankly or shrugged noncommitally, there is not a strong lust for knowledge among most of my peers it seemed, so I just sat on it and waited for enlightenment on the subject. How could someone like me use this information? The research done by the government suggested that it was indeed possible to alter the way a person would behave simply by sound, they created lathargy and despair on the lower end of the frequency range, and on the higher end everything from happiness to rioting. "Hmm," I thought. The oil companies discovered that they could make the very ground shift with enough focus from a dissonant note, again; "Hmm." Then I started to think about music and they way certain kinds made me feel, thought about
what I had observed at shows and the way people would react when exposed to different kinds of noise. Then I thought about how one angry person can disrupt an enitre room/house/concert hall, simply by shouting angrily. Then it hit me, sound is energy. Electromagnetic energy.
I thought about monks who use sound to meditate, they have been aware of this hidden power for millenia probably. They use sound to center themselves, to get in touch with their chi, to bring harmony to their own electromagnetic life force. Traditional martial artist tap into the same power when they strike, using a forcefull yell to simultaneously scare the shit out of their opponent and to tap into their chi. I believe it is no coincedence that many monks were/are martial artists and that many martial artists meditate and employ their voice to touch their chi (BTW if you do not believe in chi or inner life force, you might be an idiot, just a heads up.). Through the power of their voice and their chi they can bend physical law and accomplish some pretty incredible stuff. For example when I was a kid in TaeKwonDo I once witnessed my Sensei stick his index finger into a pot of boiling grease that was frying chicken, he looked directly into my eyes while he did so and though he was making no sound I could feel power radiating from him, I could feel him projecting his inner life force, he held his finger there for at least 20 seconds and when he pulled it out it wasn't even pink, it looked completely normal, albeit covered in grease. Such is the power of chi when you know how to access it.
Our voices are in my opinion the most direct route to accessing chi, also the easiest way to maintain it. Ever sing for a bit and feel completely refreshed? There may be a substantial, scientific reason for that. Ever heard of Reiki, or experienced someone touching you and feeling like their hands should have been on fire they were so hot? In the film "The Karate Kid" Mr. Miagi heals Daniel's leg by clapping his hands together and humming while rubbing them together to generate heat, and then places them with eyes closed onto his wounded leg. This is a perfect example of Reiki if you have never experienced it first hand. And yes this practice is still widely used today.
Now armed with this theory I took about 5 minutes to breath, finding my center and focusing in on it at the same time. I have meditated since I was 11 years old so it is relatively easy for me to still my mind, and I wanted to be completely still to try this experiment on my dog, this experiment with my voice. Looking at him hanging over the arm of the couch, staring at me with a puzzled look on his face, I let out a quiet high pitched tone and held it for about 10 seconds. His tail waggled a few times and he just sat there staring at me. I rubbed his head a little and patted him a few times just to let him know that we were just playing a game. I repeated the noise only this time my voice was a little lower. Same response from him. I did this 5 times, each time the tone of my voice was a little lower, until I had travelled the length of an octave, at the high end his tail would wag and that was about it. When I got to the last note everything about him changed. He went from sitting there and watching me like I was mad to barking, growling and lunging at me like I was an intruder trying to take his food. The change was instantaneous and frankly I thought that he might bite me; he was growling, and barking in a tone that I had never heard him use even when barking at people walking down the street, or other dogs, or any of the other things that he enjoyed barking at. I changed the tone of my voice and started talking him down sweetly, and using a brighter, less ominous tone he mellowed out completely in a
matter of seconds.
Now it is true that the tone he reacted to sounded similar to a growl, it is also true, however, that I have growled at him many times before in play and I have never heard him react with that tone in his voice. So what did I think about all this? Obviously all creatures are affected by sound, I think it is common knowledge that what we hear can affect our mood. Ok, "simple" I thought. What else? Sound used by technology on a grande scale can manipulate our atmosphere and maybe affect the way we think, as well as shake the very earth apart if used improperly. Interesting and scary I thought, but no one will believe me. What else? The fact that some people can do seemingly impossible things through their chi is very, very close to the heart of the matter that I was seeking. I had no idea what I was seeking at this point, I only knew that somehow all of these things were connected, and that through sound it was possible to change your environment for better or worse.
So I started experimenting on people (without their knowledge), just with my tone of voice, results were much the same as they had been with Titus. Higher, more pleasing tones elicited positive emotions from people, while lower more threatening tones often resulted in a fight or otherwise unfavorable outcome. Mellow tones, especially were I was in touch with my chi, would neutralize a hostile situation easily. Though I have only been able to test that a couple times.
So in closing I would like to say this: The next time you address a creature, be it person, or dog or Lemur, think about not only what you say, but how you say it. This may be the deciding factor on the outcome of the conversation. And while this information may not be for everyone to know I feel obliged to share my theory with the world. The theory being that sound can control and manipulate in a very subtle manner. So be aware.
And for those of you who made it all the way to the end here thanks for reading, it's ok if you think I am crazy, I probably am, I am sorry to have subjected you to my ramblings, but I hope you can take in this information with an open mind. Perhaps even do some experimenting on your own.
So until next time, I bid you adieu.
To start I will tell you of an experiment I conducted not too long ago, on my four year old English Bulldog named "Titus." First you must understand that as far as temperment is concerned he may be the sweetest creature alive, a little dumb perhaps, but I love him anyway, and no way would he ever bite me or anyone, it's just not in his nature. Ok, that's settled so moving on to a little back story leading up to this experiement. A few years ago I was researching cell phone use and the possible negative effects associated with being exposed to different magnetic fields, I learned that in the 50's the government was doing major research in the same field but for very different reasons. They were trying to learn how to manipulate peoples' minds with different sounds, using ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves for prolonged periods of time at varying frequencies and then watching what would happen, how the person(s) would react, in a nutshell. I later learned that some if not all oil companies have employed ELF technology in the past as a type of sonar to make maps of pockets of oil in the earth's crust, this is how they know how much oil they have and where exactly it is located, they can also see natural gas and who knows what else. This research eventually led me to HAARP, which is an atmospheric research center in northern Alaska owned and operated by the US Air Force. I will not go into too much detail because HAARP and why it is scary deserves it's own blog, but basically it is a GIANT array of 60' antennas that shoot ELF waves on an unimaginable level into our ionosphere, (the magnetic shield that blocks out the Sun's radiation, generated by the earths iron core) conspiracy theorys abound here about what such a thing would do to our planet but I will not get into them now. It is one of those things I almost wish I could unlearn though.
Now back to my theory. I had to sit on this information and let it digest before it became useful, for years I carried it around with me like a monkey on my back. I shared this information with everyone I knew though and most just stared blankly or shrugged noncommitally, there is not a strong lust for knowledge among most of my peers it seemed, so I just sat on it and waited for enlightenment on the subject. How could someone like me use this information? The research done by the government suggested that it was indeed possible to alter the way a person would behave simply by sound, they created lathargy and despair on the lower end of the frequency range, and on the higher end everything from happiness to rioting. "Hmm," I thought. The oil companies discovered that they could make the very ground shift with enough focus from a dissonant note, again; "Hmm." Then I started to think about music and they way certain kinds made me feel, thought about
what I had observed at shows and the way people would react when exposed to different kinds of noise. Then I thought about how one angry person can disrupt an enitre room/house/concert hall, simply by shouting angrily. Then it hit me, sound is energy. Electromagnetic energy.
I thought about monks who use sound to meditate, they have been aware of this hidden power for millenia probably. They use sound to center themselves, to get in touch with their chi, to bring harmony to their own electromagnetic life force. Traditional martial artist tap into the same power when they strike, using a forcefull yell to simultaneously scare the shit out of their opponent and to tap into their chi. I believe it is no coincedence that many monks were/are martial artists and that many martial artists meditate and employ their voice to touch their chi (BTW if you do not believe in chi or inner life force, you might be an idiot, just a heads up.). Through the power of their voice and their chi they can bend physical law and accomplish some pretty incredible stuff. For example when I was a kid in TaeKwonDo I once witnessed my Sensei stick his index finger into a pot of boiling grease that was frying chicken, he looked directly into my eyes while he did so and though he was making no sound I could feel power radiating from him, I could feel him projecting his inner life force, he held his finger there for at least 20 seconds and when he pulled it out it wasn't even pink, it looked completely normal, albeit covered in grease. Such is the power of chi when you know how to access it.
Our voices are in my opinion the most direct route to accessing chi, also the easiest way to maintain it. Ever sing for a bit and feel completely refreshed? There may be a substantial, scientific reason for that. Ever heard of Reiki, or experienced someone touching you and feeling like their hands should have been on fire they were so hot? In the film "The Karate Kid" Mr. Miagi heals Daniel's leg by clapping his hands together and humming while rubbing them together to generate heat, and then places them with eyes closed onto his wounded leg. This is a perfect example of Reiki if you have never experienced it first hand. And yes this practice is still widely used today.
Now armed with this theory I took about 5 minutes to breath, finding my center and focusing in on it at the same time. I have meditated since I was 11 years old so it is relatively easy for me to still my mind, and I wanted to be completely still to try this experiment on my dog, this experiment with my voice. Looking at him hanging over the arm of the couch, staring at me with a puzzled look on his face, I let out a quiet high pitched tone and held it for about 10 seconds. His tail waggled a few times and he just sat there staring at me. I rubbed his head a little and patted him a few times just to let him know that we were just playing a game. I repeated the noise only this time my voice was a little lower. Same response from him. I did this 5 times, each time the tone of my voice was a little lower, until I had travelled the length of an octave, at the high end his tail would wag and that was about it. When I got to the last note everything about him changed. He went from sitting there and watching me like I was mad to barking, growling and lunging at me like I was an intruder trying to take his food. The change was instantaneous and frankly I thought that he might bite me; he was growling, and barking in a tone that I had never heard him use even when barking at people walking down the street, or other dogs, or any of the other things that he enjoyed barking at. I changed the tone of my voice and started talking him down sweetly, and using a brighter, less ominous tone he mellowed out completely in a
matter of seconds.
Now it is true that the tone he reacted to sounded similar to a growl, it is also true, however, that I have growled at him many times before in play and I have never heard him react with that tone in his voice. So what did I think about all this? Obviously all creatures are affected by sound, I think it is common knowledge that what we hear can affect our mood. Ok, "simple" I thought. What else? Sound used by technology on a grande scale can manipulate our atmosphere and maybe affect the way we think, as well as shake the very earth apart if used improperly. Interesting and scary I thought, but no one will believe me. What else? The fact that some people can do seemingly impossible things through their chi is very, very close to the heart of the matter that I was seeking. I had no idea what I was seeking at this point, I only knew that somehow all of these things were connected, and that through sound it was possible to change your environment for better or worse.
So I started experimenting on people (without their knowledge), just with my tone of voice, results were much the same as they had been with Titus. Higher, more pleasing tones elicited positive emotions from people, while lower more threatening tones often resulted in a fight or otherwise unfavorable outcome. Mellow tones, especially were I was in touch with my chi, would neutralize a hostile situation easily. Though I have only been able to test that a couple times.
So in closing I would like to say this: The next time you address a creature, be it person, or dog or Lemur, think about not only what you say, but how you say it. This may be the deciding factor on the outcome of the conversation. And while this information may not be for everyone to know I feel obliged to share my theory with the world. The theory being that sound can control and manipulate in a very subtle manner. So be aware.
And for those of you who made it all the way to the end here thanks for reading, it's ok if you think I am crazy, I probably am, I am sorry to have subjected you to my ramblings, but I hope you can take in this information with an open mind. Perhaps even do some experimenting on your own.
So until next time, I bid you adieu.
I lived up there for a while.. I found lots of interesting things, lots of "old" ww2/cold war fortifications scattered about.
Wow thank you, that is a very kind thing for you to say