What is going on with me? I told my doc at the VA to take me off of all my pills. I dont want to use them as a crutch any longer. One was to stop me from having dreams. Since I have been off of it I have gone absolutely crazy with the dreams. Im waking up every morning or after every nap ready to go! These are the real dreams too. The ones that you actually believe for a few minutes after you wake up. Im going crazy but I like it. Anyway, here is a shot from before I went out last night. I did put a shirt on.

what pills were you on? some of those things have insane side effects.
I was taking seroquel, prazosin, and zoloft for 3+ years. The seroquel was crazy strong. The prazosin is for blood pressure but they found a side effect in Vietnam vets. It stopped their dreams. Thats why I took it. I feel a lot better without all of those chemicals in me.