Let me expain why I'm in a good mood
I'm also exercising a lot and eating a lot better so I'm in better shape and have more energy (yay go me )
October (the best month of the year) is going to be a big one here's the big dates
5th- My birthday
12th Tattoo Appointment
20TH Mums Birthday
I promised a friend/member I'd blog about my emotions so I present for you the EMO spoiler
See told ya it was emo.
oh yes next blog I'm doing an Iggy and cutting some Friends and groups. Some people are already safe they are
People I met in Queensland
People who are metal
People in Melbourne
People I've seen a movie with
People who received stuff from me in the mail
People who contact me wishing to stay
Pistolita (I want to see your little monkey when it gets here) ( if you didn't Know P is pregnant)
I saw batman my thoughts (I know I'll create enemies for this but I'm standing by my beliefs) HEATH LEDGER'S performance was better than perfect he blew the rest of the cast away, otherwise the dark knight was M'EH
Any how give me hell if you want just do it with a smile
i'm metal
and i love puppies
and you are a libran.... a sweet gentle sensitive caring soul