Comics came out on Thursday this week, thanks to shipping delays caused by Memorial Day. Damn federal holidays need to stay the hell out of my comic book reading. fuckin me all up. Hence, I am late with my reviews from last week, because I like to post my new picks along with them thereby limiting my entries to one-a-week. If that last sentence matters, you win a prize!
Reviews and/or scans follow!!!
Captain America #26 (marvel)
I have to admit that I don't get excited about new issues anymore. I don't really care for the frequent fill-in artist Mike Perkins, and sometimes I wish this book was a little less "modern comics" and a little more "superheroey". With that said, I do love this book. It's been more than solid for over two years now, and I stick with it because of its constistent quality. The previous issue was probably the best death of a major character I've ever read in comics.
This issue had some heavy shit to deal with in the wake of Cap's death, and so there was almost no action, mostly just characters talking. It was made disgustingly clear that the man is indeed dead, although with things like the cosmic cube in existence, literally anything is possible. I am enjoying the idea that this comic can continue with it's title character dead, because of the great supporting cast which is now coming to the forefront. The Winter Soldier's plan for his next course of action is pretty damn exciting. I am happy to say I am looking forward to the next issue, and hopefully it won't be nearly as late as this one was!
REALLY GOOD. (Brubaker/ Epting)
Criminal #6 (icon/ marvel)
This comic is a masterpiece. This lastest issue is an excellent starting point for new readers, as it starts a totally new story involving all new characters. I think the main guy in this one was briefly mentioned in passing in the first story.
I have a lot more to say about this comic but I just recently did a review of the first trade, Coward. Go read that if you must, but basically all it says is "I LOVE THIS COMIC".
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. (Brubaker/ Phillips)
Dynamo 5 #3 (image)
S'OK. (don't remember credits, sorry guys!)
Gutsville #1 (image)
In my last entry, this was not on my list of comics I would be reading, because when I wrote that up I had forgotten that I ordered this comic out of Previews, and so it showed up in my saver at the store to my complete surprise.
I do not have a fully-formed opinion of the book after only one issue, but I liked it more than enough to get the next one. I found the dialogue difficult to read because the characters' thick accents are written into the script, and the plot hasn't interested me at all so far, but both of those are things that will probably bother me less and less as I read more. It definitely helps that the art is fucking spectacular. InkyGoodness has some covers on his blog, check it out! I am already a fan of his great work on Seven Soldiers: Klarion and the Inhumans in Silent War, and that's why I ordered this book without having ever heard of the writer.
The concept is what I love most about this book; the characters are townsfolk of a strict puritan community, who have settled in the belly of an enormous beast that swallowed a vessel carrying thier ancestors. Another thing that really impressed me was an appendix in the back that contained some sketches and descriptions of animal life inside the leviathan, a map of the known area, made by one of the villagers, and a very short story in prose. Back-up material is always a huge plus, in my book.
This first issue was so promising that I will actually be disappointed if I don't end up loving this book.
PRETTY GOOD with huge potential. (Spurrier/ Irving)
Hellblazer #232 (vertigo/ dc)
I've been pretty excited about this new run so far. There are some sweet scans of last issue in one of my recent entries.
This issue was not great on its own, but it's just the beginning of what I hope will be a great story arc. It was great to see a John all slick and tidy again, and the most remarkable part of this issue, to me, was that he pronounced his own name ConstanTYNE, leaving not a shadow of a doubt in that heated debate. I will never say "ConstanTEEN" again.
PRETTY GOOD. (Diggle/ Manco)
the Irredeemable Ant-Man #8 (marvel)
What a douchebag... see below. This comic tickles me good.
GREAT. (Kirkman/ guest artist Cory Walker)
Loaded Bible 2: Blood of Christ (image)
This is the follow-up to last year's extremely cool one-shot, Loaded Bible: Jesus vs. Vampires. I don't think I would read this comic as a regular series, but as a once-in-a-while thing, it's just too much fun to pass up. It's very wacky, but not humorous, and certainly unique.
PRETTY GOOD if you regularly take the Lord's name in vain. (don't remember credits, sorry again!)
Madman Atomic Comics #2 (image)
The first issue of this series was really good, but I had started to become worried that this comic was going to lose the kitchy fun that I love Madman for in favor of waxing philosophical. Well this issue alleviated that worry by showing us that Frank is hallucinating, and his whole zany supporting cast showed up to assure us that they are alive, well, and not imaginary, and that wacky adventures shall continue to ensue.
Allred has apparently been dying to draw a psychadelic mind-trip, and he's found a way to do that while staying true to what makes this character and comic great.
Newuniversal #6 (marvel)
I was loving this through some of the earlier issues but I'm losing interest very rapidly. I've about had it with the celebrity photo-referenced character faces.
S'OK. (Ellis/ Larocca)
Satan's Sodomy Baby (dark horse)
Wow. I will let the scans say it all. I couldn't pick just one.
I have eagerly awaited this comic and I was not disappointed, but I am even more excited about the Goon returning after a long hiatus while this one-shot was being produced. If this looks good to you, run out and find a copy as soon as possible, because it supposedly will never be reprinted, and I believe it.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you're a bit sick. (Eric Powell)
the Spirit #6 (dc)
X-Men #199
S'OK. (Carey/ Bachalo)
I highly recommend this trade paperback, out today:
Fear Agent vol.2: My War by Rick Remender and Jerome Opena from Dark Horse. The first volume is available in two editions, from both Image Comics and Dark Horse.
Only the best for the most discriminating geeks! If your taste is as "good" as mine, you'd have bought:
Daredevil #97 (marvel)
Hellboy: Darkness Calls #2 (dark horse)- in my top twenty comics.
New Avengers: Illuminati #3 (marvel)
the Shaolin Cowboy #7 (burlyman entertainment)- top twenty.
and also on my to-read list this week are:
the Boys #7 (dynamite)
Green Lantern #20 (dc)
Justice Society of America #6 (dc)
Silver Surfer Requiem #1 (marvel)
Ultimate Fantastic Four#42 (marvel)
Thats it for a week. be well!