PICKS FOR 5-2-07 and 4-25-07
We've been out of internet for the last week or so, so I am skipping a whole bunch of comic reviews.
This week I highly recommend:
100 Bullets #83 (vertigo)- in my top twenty.
Astonishing X-Men #21 (marvel)- top twenty.
Dark Tower: the Gunslinger Born #4 (marvel)
Hellboy: Darkness Calls #1 (dark horse)- WOOOOOOOOO! top twenty.
Shazam! the Monster Society of Evil #3 (dc)
Superman #662 (dc)- Pacheco is back on this issue, nice!
also reading this week:
Avengers: the Initiative #2 (mavel)- I hope it's more interesting than issue 1.
City of Others #2 (dark horse)
Exterminators #17 (vertigo)- rapidly losing interest as of last two issues.
Green Lantern #19 (dc)- not liking the new artist, but it's always good.
Incredible Hulk #106 (marvel)- I hope WWH is great.
Marvel Illustrated: Last of the Mohicans #1 (marvel)- I really have no idea if this will be good.
Omega Flight (marvel)- I doubt I'll like it but number 1 sold out so fast I never got to read it.
Runaways #26 (marvel)
Sensational Spider-Man Annual #1 (marvel)
World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker #1 (marvel)- saw the name "Rio" on the cover... that's bad.

Bought these comics last week, I highly recommend:
Astro City: the Dark Age Book Two #3 (wildstorm)
Daredevil #96 (marvel)- top twenty.
the Walking Dead #37 (image)- top twenty.
Lots of reviews coming later. I will see the sun rise if I start them right now.
We've been out of internet for the last week or so, so I am skipping a whole bunch of comic reviews.
This week I highly recommend:
100 Bullets #83 (vertigo)- in my top twenty.
Astonishing X-Men #21 (marvel)- top twenty.
Dark Tower: the Gunslinger Born #4 (marvel)
Hellboy: Darkness Calls #1 (dark horse)- WOOOOOOOOO! top twenty.
Shazam! the Monster Society of Evil #3 (dc)
Superman #662 (dc)- Pacheco is back on this issue, nice!
also reading this week:
Avengers: the Initiative #2 (mavel)- I hope it's more interesting than issue 1.
City of Others #2 (dark horse)
Exterminators #17 (vertigo)- rapidly losing interest as of last two issues.
Green Lantern #19 (dc)- not liking the new artist, but it's always good.
Incredible Hulk #106 (marvel)- I hope WWH is great.
Marvel Illustrated: Last of the Mohicans #1 (marvel)- I really have no idea if this will be good.
Omega Flight (marvel)- I doubt I'll like it but number 1 sold out so fast I never got to read it.
Runaways #26 (marvel)
Sensational Spider-Man Annual #1 (marvel)
World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker #1 (marvel)- saw the name "Rio" on the cover... that's bad.

Bought these comics last week, I highly recommend:
Astro City: the Dark Age Book Two #3 (wildstorm)
Daredevil #96 (marvel)- top twenty.
the Walking Dead #37 (image)- top twenty.
Lots of reviews coming later. I will see the sun rise if I start them right now.
What do you think of City of Others? I grew up as a Wrightson fan and I enjoy most of Niles' projects, so I am hoping that this book turns out to be a great read. I have read the first issue so far and I think it is a great idea for the duo.