cool. let's get a glass of water before we sit down at the computer. my water glass was half solid ice. forgot all about it. i like to use the same one over and over and every once in a while wash it or start a new one, so i put last night's water in the freezer this morning to cool faster than the fridge while i took a shower. and here we are 10 hours later with new water added on top. this is how i win one. small goals.
4 hours is not enough sleep. 203 is enough of an average for the tour tho now isn't it. unlikely. it only happened in one game. it's happening for the kids pretty soon to the tune of charity, which is how this all began a year ago. why shouldn't i bowl for kids. i was a kid once. not a rowdy one, i kept my mischief to the shadows. there's no need to get rowdy at the wrong times. certain eyes got the wool they needed pulled over pulled over and yknow, whatever.
free donnas tonight with oak. random run in in the middle of the street earlier today with oak. too much tree reference in type. need tree battle. don't really need assistance. have strange glass of water to drink.
4 hours is not enough sleep. 203 is enough of an average for the tour tho now isn't it. unlikely. it only happened in one game. it's happening for the kids pretty soon to the tune of charity, which is how this all began a year ago. why shouldn't i bowl for kids. i was a kid once. not a rowdy one, i kept my mischief to the shadows. there's no need to get rowdy at the wrong times. certain eyes got the wool they needed pulled over pulled over and yknow, whatever.
free donnas tonight with oak. random run in in the middle of the street earlier today with oak. too much tree reference in type. need tree battle. don't really need assistance. have strange glass of water to drink.
[Edited on Jan 31, 2003]
i hate me.