So it was early '80s for you too? I left in 1986. Beautiful colours. And the cars, I'd forgotten about those funny cars. And that tobacco sign took me back. Reminded me of: Scissors: Men of Action Satisfaction! God I smoked a lot of bad Indian cigarettes. At least they made no pretenses of being healthy with the massive holes in the filters and such. Thank you so much for posting those!
Good foresight on keeping that tape. That's one of the crappy things about v/m. Sounds like she's behaving irrationally already. It's sad to say, but that's a good sign. I once had a fiancee I backed out of the marriage with. He sent me a letter detailing everything he'd ever given me including dollar values, then told me he'd trashed his apartment and would have his solicitor contact me shortly. I ignored it and nothing came of it.
I bet that picture from the subway was quite something. I can imagine it. Those moments don't happen often, and are captured more rarely.
Well time to go work out. Thank you again for posting those lovely pictures.
Good foresight on keeping that tape. That's one of the crappy things about v/m. Sounds like she's behaving irrationally already. It's sad to say, but that's a good sign. I once had a fiancee I backed out of the marriage with. He sent me a letter detailing everything he'd ever given me including dollar values, then told me he'd trashed his apartment and would have his solicitor contact me shortly. I ignored it and nothing came of it.
I bet that picture from the subway was quite something. I can imagine it. Those moments don't happen often, and are captured more rarely.
Well time to go work out. Thank you again for posting those lovely pictures.