i get like that sometimes. thanks for caring for those of you who care.
i care for you too....and sorry that i am not keeping up on all of your journals. i am sick right now. i am also working more and ya know? i am just full of excuses..
one of the kids at the school jabbed another kid with a plastic dinosaur tail in the eye and his eye started bleeding today. it was freaky. he looked up at me and my stomach churned. but he was okay. it was only his eyelid luckily. i would be so sad if anything happened to any of those kids.
I guess i need to rest. i got a cold and it REALLY FUCKING SUCKS. i feel crappy as hell.
sorry i have been down in my last entry...since i started work...i have been partying less...thus...less socializing and i get lonely...and i feel unloved...which shouldn't be..(I KNOW THIS) but i can't help it. I am alone so i feel that way. i suck. i have no self esteem. working on it. later dudes.

one of the kids at the school jabbed another kid with a plastic dinosaur tail in the eye and his eye started bleeding today. it was freaky. he looked up at me and my stomach churned. but he was okay. it was only his eyelid luckily. i would be so sad if anything happened to any of those kids.
I guess i need to rest. i got a cold and it REALLY FUCKING SUCKS. i feel crappy as hell.

sorry i have been down in my last entry...since i started work...i have been partying less...thus...less socializing and i get lonely...and i feel unloved...which shouldn't be..(I KNOW THIS) but i can't help it. I am alone so i feel that way. i suck. i have no self esteem. working on it. later dudes.

i hope you feel better tomorrow on every level that's low. 

We're always here when you need it.