I Suppose I should update my profile on the mundane happenings of my life. I've decided to stop shaving my head since I won't start any treatment again now for a couple of months. I got it a perfect platinum and then decided baby pink would be a good idea (breast cancer awareness in October). Yeah. The brand I used didn't take very well and I have splotchy pastel hair. Could be that some areas of my hair are overprocessed and the cuticle is too open to hold color. I don't know. Will try again tomorrow and leave the color on a good hour. If that fails, filling in lighter areas with Koolaid, believe it or not, works. I don't want to bleach wash out what I've already done and further the damage. Plus now I'm determined to have pastel pink hair, dammit. This. Will. Be.
Accepted a position with a new company. My job currently just isn't cutting it and I hate all the late nights I'm pulling. And at the new job I'll be able to be me, with whatever hair color, piercing, tattoo, etc it doesn't matter.
I want to redo the side of my nose. For the 100th time. Haha. I hate that septums have become a fad with the kids. I've had mine for over a decade. Does that make me a hipster?
So I'm living the single life now. Dating has, thus far, royally sucked ass. I think alot of it has to do with the city I'm in. Its small and everyone knows everyone and most people my age gossip like 16 year old girls. I feel like I identify less as myself and more as "so and so's ex". Also, I don't want a serious relationship or just a hookup, something in between and guys can't seem to handle that.
I found a dead mouse in my room. 😖 my cat likes to honor me with dead things but as of late hasn't always left them in obvious places. Thanks but no thanks. Just let me pet you... Really, that's all I need.
I'm not sure even how many people will see this, but hey, I did my part catching you all up on my life. Not nearly as exciting as me in my undies, I know.
Goodnight ❤❤❤