well i'm off after my lovely 4 days off. it's nice being able to relax for a change in away. i'll begone for a about 2-3 weeks, i don't mostly cause i didn't really care in the first place how long it will be. well.... laters

pick up lines for the next 2 weeks

Q-" What has 142 teeth and can hold back the Incredible...
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'Cause I like to change it... ha ha.
Yup! That's the only reason! Hee hee.
hum, i'll be gone from the 22nd to some wheres around the 4th-6th of march. i got to go to this big old field training exersice. i can tell it's not going to be all that great from the get go, but at least i got all night shifts what means most of everyone else is asleep. it' nicer since u have more room to...
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The temperature is -13543573457! Just the way I like it!
Be good in your travels! Talk to you soon!
hum, don't have much to add. I get to spend a couple of weeks in the field coming up here soon, so i'll be out for a good amount of time.

pick up line of the week-
"...or we could just play house!? You can be the door and I'll slam the fuck out of you!"
Hey thanks for your comment honey biggrin
Well, i'll be gone most of the day. I have a M-4 range detail that needs to be done tomorrow. laters..
well thank you for my first testimonial! kind of strange that you aren't even on my friends list and you left me one. that's awesome. have a great night!

i'll be away pulling gaurd duty. laters...
Guard duty? Where?

You are right about the whole exotic name thing. Sigh. Why is this so difficult? As Juliet says in Romeo and Juliet, "What's in a name?"
There's nothin' wrong with Romeo and Juliet! (Is there?) Hmmm.

You know what? I think that I am being all fucked up about the name thing. It's just a damn name! Sooo... I might just stick with Vixen. Ha ha.

Be safe!
puke this is what happens when ur sick and u have to work no matter what puke . I hope u'll are feeling better than me.
Thanks! Feel better soon!
thank you very much for your thoughts

-ape kiss
I forgot how much fun it is to beat the snott out of someone else with a pugil stick. Instead of doing a 20K roadmarch we ended up just beating each other up. It was nice i to kick the crap out of my roommate.

Theres a new lesson to be learned here for today. Never think because the swamps iced over u can try and run through it. And most of all, when doing land nav. bring a GPS, cause most of the times the points aren't even there and u'll end up spending an hour looking for something thats not even there anymore.
it's nice being able to drink as much as u like and never having to worry about a hang-over. as much as i've drunk i've never had that problem. kind of nice...
You will eventually, I guarantee it.

The odd thing about drinking is when you first start, for the first few years or more (took me close to five) you NEVER get a hangover. After time, however, you start getting them. You'd think it'd be the other way around; hangovers in the beginning, and then they'd stop as your body got used to the alcohol.
Well today started off horrible with it raining like hell 6am in the morning, but hey i'm out of the field at least. i got out of pt b/c it was raining so hard. had to then start off work by washing off the hmmwv's for an hour, in the rain i might add. well i have a nice and lovely 4 day weekend to...
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Ah the field, out in the middle of no-wheres most the time with the ppl u train with. well i just got back from a nice 4 day sleep out in the field. it's funny how long u can go with out a bath or changing any cloths when it all comes down to it.