So I think this will be my last blog for a while. I'm left in a not so grand place in my life. I will basically be couch surfing around for the next 2 months. Me and the kitten. My mom says I should give her away, but why give away the one thing that makes you smile in any situation. I'm having trouble with boys atm. Gosh darn it are they fucking confusing as hell. There are two and it's just I dunno all going to blow up in my face soon. That's the way life seems to go. One week your happy the next it's all falling apart. So I'm just looking for a sub-lease starting sometime before Jan. I start my new job on Tuesday, which is great because I'll be making a good amount of money. My car's getting fixed next week, if I can find a place that's reasonable. Stupid clutch problems! Ya That's my life update in a nutshell. Everything will work it's self out I'm sure. I have a couple really good friends who are holding me up by the elbows so I can stand. Which I am so thankful for, without them I'd be a blob on the floor. That's just no fun. Just gotta keep thinking positive and not letting my head be fucked with by stupid boys. hehe
Ps come to our gtfo party friday.
Ps come to our gtfo party friday.
what's the new job? congrats on that sweetie, our couch is always open, although that would be quite a drive for you!
Future roomie!! I heart your face!!