Life is crazy right now. Fixing broken things, making myself better.

Growing up feels weird. I feel bad for all the mistakes I've made in the past couple years while I wasn't growing. But if I can figure a way to right them I will. If not then well... I guess I'll learn from it all...
Trying to balance everything, including a budget.
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welcome back!!
Who has a car that is working and legal. That would be yours truely miss isiness! Woot!

I'm off to clean the heck out of it and make it shine then drive to who knows where to stretch the ol' boy out.

only thing lacking is CD's. oh wells! I will live smile
ohhhh yooouuu
Yeah, and the price of gas is thru the rooooooooof. Eff that.

Keys in my hand. Rolling down the street. Car is working! YAY

Now the DMV is the stupidest place ever. We all know that. My reg. got suspended due to no insurance... So I have to call this other place fax them my insurance and wait 3 days to know if they got it. UGH Then I can go get my reg. This is stupid....
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I found my phone!! Text me text me!!
Had a great idea.... Tow trucks EXPENSIVE thought to myself when you move you can tow yer car that way. Wow only 60 total! Done... I thought I was so smart......

Pick it up alls going great! Drive it t the car, Lou is actually awake and here I thought I was going to run into trouble........

Question: How do two people push a non-working...
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Starting a new diet tomorrow. Should be great. I'm quiting smoking this week also, my mom made me feel bad and offered to buy me the patch. I took her up on it because well its expensive to smoke and bad for me. I have bitchin plans this summer that include 4 camping trips...all are welcome btw lobster-butt lets do it right this year tongue WE...
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Am I still coming on the cruise? I don't know if I can afford it now frown

And YES, come up and see us.
Mondays suck sweaty monkey balls.
Here's to a shitty Friday night.

Here's to changing my life for good and dropping evil baggage.

Yay to celebrating by myself!

Yay for my car being fixed by wensday.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
It was just long and we ran out of smokes and Kerrie was in a bad mood. yeah. no beuno.
I can't poop and that makes me crabby. I miss you A LOT.

So today I still felt upset about that old man. I was trying not to but he just upset me so much. I always try to be polite to people and what not, and it always makes me mad when others are rude to people. Well After a busy morning I see his old beater pulling up. FUCK, I think he's going to yell at...
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I HATE OLD MEN! The fucking suck with there stinky old trucks that hurt my nose and stand over us like we are going to tamper with shit. We don't want you to fail. If you fail that means your old ass will be back here glaring at us, randomly commenting weird things towards me. Never making any sense and hard of hearing. No,...
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Hey, just tell them this is No Country for Old Men.

And a big -1 for letting the plants die. What's up with that?

My feet hurt. I'm sleepy. Not feeling the best atm.

I dunno what I need at the moment. The kittie is growing again. Crazy man at work kept yelling at me cause he kept waking himself up. Stupid people who don't keep up their car yelled at me because they failed. Ugh. People need to relax... I need to relax. But I'm broke till Friday....
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yay for being broke! I'm so broke I can barely afford to drive my car to work.