No one is immortal, no one is invincible. Life is short and so you must make the best of it. That is what I learned and if that is all I learn in life, I think I shall be fine. People will change there minds, lock you out, force you to open up, ignore you, grow up before your eyes, become immature, fight with you, and hate you so they feel better about themselves. None of that matters as long as you have tomorrow. Peoples action speak louder then words to me, and actions have spoken loud and clear recently. I'll be ok with that they have been saying. So I'm along for the ride, this crazy ride of life that has sent me on. I am ok, just so you know. I really am. I will be. Just being introverted and thoughtful. Was suppose to go camping but the rain ruined that. I have two interviews tomorrow. That makes me happy. Everyone has been doing list recently and I was going to make one of the best moments of my life, but I realised that there isn't just one moment but one life that has been the greatest. I need them now but they are not here. ANYWAYS it's time for me to go eat and stop being ... whatever it is I am doing! Things have just sent me through to much of a loop recently. I'm tired of being locked out, pushed over, taken for granite, being put in the middle, and stepped on. It's getting old quick... <3
hope everything is ok. Maybe one day I'll see yah and give yah a hug. Take care Dear.
sounds like you've been doing some good thinking. good use of your brain. i wish more people used theirs.