well it looks like time for a quick update. Yesterday was My 6 month anny for being married. Dang Chicks and welns lil bro turned a year older making Her feel all teary eyed and weepy. I still work for the homer despot but as I dont have a computer yet My updates will be erratic at the best of times. Though a phone call...
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i miss you two

You smoke Kamel red lights? Just wondering.
ok ok so I live barely and yep fraid I am still married.
I'll be at the crissy bash tonight and the wifey will be driving so heh I am soooo going to partake in the evening activities. Should I bring anything?
oh and now for the sad news I am offically hanging up the pornstar guy as I am off the market

I'll be at the crissy bash tonight and the wifey will be driving so heh I am soooo going to partake in the evening activities. Should I bring anything?
oh and now for the sad news I am offically hanging up the pornstar guy as I am off the market
Thanks for your help of late! ...really!

Sorry i missed the wedding you two.
I like this name better heh heh.
I like this name better heh heh.

> >> Alabama
> >> Hell Yes, We Have Electricity.
> >> Alaska
> >> 11,623 Eskimos Can't Be Wrong!
> >> Arizona
> >> But It's A Dry Heat.
> >> Arkansas
> >> Literacy Ain't Everything.
> >> California
> >> By 30, Our Women Have More Plastic Than Your Honda. !
> >> Colorado
> >> If You...
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> >> Alabama
> >> Hell Yes, We Have Electricity.
> >> Alaska
> >> 11,623 Eskimos Can't Be Wrong!
> >> Arizona
> >> But It's A Dry Heat.
> >> Arkansas
> >> Literacy Ain't Everything.
> >> California
> >> By 30, Our Women Have More Plastic Than Your Honda. !
> >> Colorado
> >> If You...
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Happy Birthday, bro!
You know you put those forks through that Lexus on purpose...

Little Johnny Gets Promoted
A first grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students. One day she asked Johnny what his problem was he replied, "I'm too smart for the first grade, my sister is in the third grade and I'm smarter than her to." The teacher took him to the principals office and explained the situation to the principal.
The principal told...
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A first grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students. One day she asked Johnny what his problem was he replied, "I'm too smart for the first grade, my sister is in the third grade and I'm smarter than her to." The teacher took him to the principals office and explained the situation to the principal.
The principal told...
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firetruck....oh, dear....I'm sorry work fucked you all about. I love you.

thats a classic!

lets see, I got a job weeeeee in Homer Despot, I mean Home depot and have been spending the last few days training, ugh talk about sheer boredom, most of the drama is just common sense. Though I do get to venture into the tool section and drool at the power tools.
Jokes for the day
The 3 year old boy was examining his testicles...
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Jokes for the day
The 3 year old boy was examining his testicles...
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My favorites are:
Despite the confusing similarity in the names, the "Safety Dance" and the "Safety Briefing" are never to be combined.
Must not make T-shirts up depciting a pig with the writing "Eat Pork or Die" in Arabic to bring as civilian attire when preparing to deploy to a primarily Muslim country.
That's funny stuff. See you soon.
Despite the confusing similarity in the names, the "Safety Dance" and the "Safety Briefing" are never to be combined.
Must not make T-shirts up depciting a pig with the writing "Eat Pork or Die" in Arabic to bring as civilian attire when preparing to deploy to a primarily Muslim country.
That's funny stuff. See you soon.
hi baby! so change it already...
some humor to liven your day...
A stranger was seated next to little Tommy on the plane. When the stranger turned to the boy he said, "Let's talk. I've heard that flights will go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."
Little Tommy, who had just opened his book, closed it slowly, and said to the stranger, "What would you like...
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A stranger was seated next to little Tommy on the plane. When the stranger turned to the boy he said, "Let's talk. I've heard that flights will go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."
Little Tommy, who had just opened his book, closed it slowly, and said to the stranger, "What would you like...
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Man I love little timmy/tommy jokes
Little Timmy and Little Bobby go to visit their grandmother in the country. They've been brought up in a fairly ill-disciplined household and are prone to swear quite a bit. Anyway after about a solid week of cursing and swearing their grandmother can't take it anymore and goes to see her friend Maude and get some advice. "What can I do about them swearing?" says the grandmother, "As far as I'm concerned there is only really one thing you can do," says Maude, "next time they swear just hit 'em good and hard and they won't do it again." "I can't do that!" says grandma, shocked at the thought, "they're my grandchildren!" "Look," says Maude, "It'll teach 'em a good lesson mark my words." Anyway Grandma leaves and goes home. The next morning Timmy and Bobby go downstairs to have breakfast. Grandma says to Bobby, "And what would you like for breakfast?" To which Bobby replies," Give me some of them Fucking cornflakes!" Grandma lashes out with this big swing and knocks Bobby clean out of his chair. He sits on the ground looking shocked at his grandma. Next Grandma turns to Timmy," and what would you like for breakfast little Timmy?" Timmy looks at his brother and then back to his grandmother and says, "I don't know but you can bet your sweet ass it won't be fucking cornflakes!!"

Little Timmy and Little Bobby go to visit their grandmother in the country. They've been brought up in a fairly ill-disciplined household and are prone to swear quite a bit. Anyway after about a solid week of cursing and swearing their grandmother can't take it anymore and goes to see her friend Maude and get some advice. "What can I do about them swearing?" says the grandmother, "As far as I'm concerned there is only really one thing you can do," says Maude, "next time they swear just hit 'em good and hard and they won't do it again." "I can't do that!" says grandma, shocked at the thought, "they're my grandchildren!" "Look," says Maude, "It'll teach 'em a good lesson mark my words." Anyway Grandma leaves and goes home. The next morning Timmy and Bobby go downstairs to have breakfast. Grandma says to Bobby, "And what would you like for breakfast?" To which Bobby replies," Give me some of them Fucking cornflakes!" Grandma lashes out with this big swing and knocks Bobby clean out of his chair. He sits on the ground looking shocked at his grandma. Next Grandma turns to Timmy," and what would you like for breakfast little Timmy?" Timmy looks at his brother and then back to his grandmother and says, "I don't know but you can bet your sweet ass it won't be fucking cornflakes!!"
sigh...you're at werk...not that I'm not pleased about it, because you know, job and all, it's good...just sigh.
and I signed up for that thing you sent me.

something I found and just thought some here can use to see it.....
Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was.Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this
world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, LOVE.
The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside had their effect on Ugly. To start with, he had...
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Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was.Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this
world: fighting, eating garbage, and, shall we say, LOVE.
The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside had their effect on Ugly. To start with, he had...
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aww poor kittyhead
all he wanted was some lovin'

all he wanted was some lovin'
I have to cats, it is easy to forget their short wonderful lifespans.
well time for the updates
My sister got hosed, royally 5th grader against 8th graders, it was over before it began. all the finalists were two things, 8th graders and private school brats. Most of the parents there were forcing thier kids to read dictionarys. Yes read them. bah I'll update properly later
My sister got hosed, royally 5th grader against 8th graders, it was over before it began. all the finalists were two things, 8th graders and private school brats. Most of the parents there were forcing thier kids to read dictionarys. Yes read them. bah I'll update properly later
wait, what happens friday? oh, right...conquering nations and stuff...
Hope she took it well. I hate seeing upset kids.
Let Me tell You guys a story.
My sister is the best, there was a time when She would'nt pick up a book let alone read.
Yet this friday She is going to Torrington to particpate in the 5 grade readers digest comprehension test for a chance to win the right to represent CT in a statewide competion. (She has already beat all the other...
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My sister is the best, there was a time when She would'nt pick up a book let alone read.
Yet this friday She is going to Torrington to particpate in the 5 grade readers digest comprehension test for a chance to win the right to represent CT in a statewide competion. (She has already beat all the other...
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I'm sure she'll wipe the floor with them easily

dude, that's awesome... repRAHsent CT!
I have a confession to make about an Irish kid my friend and i used to make fun of in 6th grade. Well, we always used to say he was English, because he lived in England for 2 years, but that was part of the obnoxious fun. I was one of those jerks. i got made fun of plenty myself. so if it make her feel better, you can let her know that the jerks get made fun of too.
and now.... dammit you're right, I think accents add points on the hotness scale.
I have a confession to make about an Irish kid my friend and i used to make fun of in 6th grade. Well, we always used to say he was English, because he lived in England for 2 years, but that was part of the obnoxious fun. I was one of those jerks. i got made fun of plenty myself. so if it make her feel better, you can let her know that the jerks get made fun of too.
and now.... dammit you're right, I think accents add points on the hotness scale.
so that was My attempt at a ditty.
Last night I got to spend time with CB and I have to say it was the kind of time when You shut the world out and let the darkness engulf You to the point the softest touch hurts.
Then this morning disaster. I had to pick My sister up from school so I left at around...
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Last night I got to spend time with CB and I have to say it was the kind of time when You shut the world out and let the darkness engulf You to the point the softest touch hurts.
Then this morning disaster. I had to pick My sister up from school so I left at around...
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Oh, I get it... "ditty" "pornstarguy"... you're P. Diddy!

your new avatar is hilarious.