Sometimes there is a moment when things just feel ok, and it's not all so shitty...... and tomorrow it will be back to the OK Day to Day...
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Thursday Mar 03, 2005
Here is what I was going to use as my latest rockfiend column... it's… -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2005
The Current 98.3,,,, All indie rock all the time... These past c… -
Friday Feb 04, 2005
Wanna be's I'm watching my Homicide Discs and there's an episode… -
Thursday Jan 27, 2005
Homicide Life on the Streets season 6 just came out on DVD.... and on… -
Sunday Jan 16, 2005
Things have been weird and a little painful. I've had a tooth ache fo… -
Sunday Jan 02, 2005
I used to write letters to punk zines like Flipside, MRR and Hitlist … -
Friday Dec 24, 2004
It's that time of the year when people look back and talk about the b… -
Sunday Dec 12, 2004
Tonight is the work holiday party... but I have to spend 8 hours on t… -
Wednesday Dec 01, 2004
Sooooo I didn't write anything on my little break from work. I spend… -
Sunday Nov 21, 2004
I'm gonna be out of town this week for the holiday. Hope everyone get…