Tonight is the work holiday party... but I have to spend 8 hours on the job first. I get to open all week so I have to be there at 7 am today, and 7 am each of the next 5 mornings ... I've spent the last week on closings.....Oh well,... on the good side I did apply for a Assistant Manager job with in IKEA... but it's in Emeryvile,CA.
Randum stuff?
21 Jumpstreet started off weak and looking at it new is funny when you know how the show progressed.
Arrested Development is the American version of the Office... so the Office is not in need of an US remake.
The Marx bros. films still make me laugh in ways that todays funny films do not.
Randum stuff?
21 Jumpstreet started off weak and looking at it new is funny when you know how the show progressed.
Arrested Development is the American version of the Office... so the Office is not in need of an US remake.
The Marx bros. films still make me laugh in ways that todays funny films do not.
Curiously searching the boards for mention of my gods on earth, King's X, I see you've mentioned them a few, eh? They've a new album out in a few months, and Bob willing the message boards will be back up soon at should drop in and join!
Dherp, I'm an idiot, no wonder your name/familiarity with KX rings a bell-you were the other loud voice in my long since dead King's X thread. Heh. Hello again.