The Big Lebowski
Genius... let's do an updated Chandler story and do it right. The Coen bothers flush from their hit Fargo were ready to give us what I think was their best film of all time. The plot of the film is not of any real importance, just like the plots of Chandlers
books, it's more about the silliness of the idle rich, and those who aspire to that life style.
The film features characters that are so well drawn that even with their cartoony moments (and there are plenty) you recognize them, and their actions as right on target. The scenes in the film are all classic LA detective with out acknowledging their origins, until the end, and it's only with repeat viewings and thought that you'd realize where the scenes are copped from.
One of the magic elements of the film is the use of dialog. Lines are repeated by several people in different contexts, and if you don't listen you'll miss it. It's an example of how people pick up on what others are saying around them, and incorporate it into their own speech patterns.
the film is also a lot of fun, it moves quickly and before you know it you are looking at the credits. The music in the film is almost like a dry run for the soundtrack to O' Brother in that it's not just popular tunes, but tunes that fit with the film, and that rock, there is no filler to be found.
it's too bad that the film didn't do well at the box office, on the other hand it's become cult film and as time goes on I think more and more people well see it as one of the Coen Brothers best.
1- I saw the film 2 time when it was on it's first run, and 2 times at midnight showings. It's in that second case that the experience of seeing the film in the theater comes to life, and the real fans come out.
2- have you seen it? did you like it? why or why not?
3- Sunday Sunday, Sunday: Southern Culture on the Skids at the First Ave, it's the first show in a while that I am looking forward to seeing.
the big lebowki - i need to see that again. it's been forever...