This is my favorite Power Pop collection, I don't really know why. I dig the tracks by: Nick Lowe, Wreckless Eric, The Only Ones, and The Boys. The songs just shimmer and have the right kind of hooks to keep the listener boppin' along.
1) yeah that's kind of a lame write up, but it's the best of the 12 versions that I wrote. Next time i'll have more to say about what ever it is that I am reviewing I swear.
2) Sometime this month I should be starting a new job, more info to follow when things are settled.
3)It was cool to see everyone that came out for the tape club... sorry I had to leave early.
4) I added some scans to my pic's file so check them out.
Nice list of Favorites you got there too...are you the person I commented to about the Staggers a while back? If not then more people on SG than I woulda thought have heard of them, I think they're one of our best bands here in Texas right now, but it seems they are pretty unknown still.