Searchin' for Shakes: Swedish Beat 1965 - 1968
in so many ways I am a sucker for a solid comp. especially since most bands can't seem to record a record that holds my attention all the way though (there are a few that I will get around to writing about sooner or later). Anyway what I am talking about here is 26 tracks of fuzzy/mod/garage rock from Sweden in the 60's. Now it's common knowledge that I love Sweden, and garage rock, so why not mix them?
This Cd really is the cream of the crop when it comes to this type of music, I can tell you from experience and having spent the cash. The tunes are all over the board, you have rocked out standards 'Back Door Man', 'Land of 1000 Dances' and 'Darling Corey'. Total Mod tracks like 'THe Circle' and 'I don't need your Love' along side beatlesque soft moments, 'Summer Sun', 'The Man You'll be Looking for' and 'Word Enough to tell you'.
this CD showcases all the facets of Rock in so many ways, and it never seems to loose it's momentum and drive. Each song leads right into the next and it seems that every listen brings a new favorite, how many albums can you say that about.
If there is one criticism I have it's that I don't think that there are any female bands on the comp. I know that their is a long history of Swedish Women playing in bands and singing, and there were a couple of bands with women in them during this time period. that's a small quibble on my part.
Last time I wrote about the Nuggets Box Set, if you don't want to pay the big bucks to see what that was all about (and it's totally worth it), this is a nice one disc alternative, it's a slice of history and an some ways kind of gives you an idea of what proceed the current lot of Nordic Garage Bands, the Hives, The Soundtrack of our Lives, The Hellacopters, the Flaming Sideburns, Mensen and Thee Ultra Bimboos to name a few.
you know it's all just about what it says... just searchin for shake.
notes not related to my review above:
1> Sorry to Punkrocksim about hi jacking her thread.... I will shut up about politics from now on I promise.
2> Die trust fund hippie die
3> Saw the new Dawn of the Dead, enjoyed it, the credit sequence made the hair on my arms stand on end.. and the rest of the flick was solid, but not ground breaking, I got my $$'s worth. Let's hope that Romero gets the money to make his next big Zombie tale.
4> Love is.... I don't know what to say about it other than it never seems to work out for me, and that's a shame cause i'd like to give it a try someday
5> Kitty Kat where ever you are, you haunt me and I will love you till the day I die.
6> if anyone reads these things and want to read more of my ramblings.... I do write for
7> these reviews are just my DID (Desert Island Discs), give me your five if you feel so moves
8> thanks to Nordicgoddess for being my friend.[
don't worry about hijacking my thread. but next time you'll have to come and hang out!