Thanks to @dicentra for this topic; I don't do enough blogs here so...yay?

1. What made you want to join SG?

I found the site through some photos on facebook i think; went to the website and saw the sets but couldnt view them all; so ended up subscribing!

2. How much do you use the website in your day to day life?

Too much....
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Everyone's saying the same thing. Community. Exactly my point. Thank you for this. Yes! More blogs please! I will support you! We need this community thriving again before I lose my mind! It's an amazing place to be. ❤️❤️

I'm doing SG Homework; wtf? I saw the post about it and thought i'd do it, but i won't tag anyone in it because...well; because.

I've got a sheep on my right wrist. It was originally drawn in about 2005 i'd like to say, by a girlfriend i had back then. We met at Download festival; and due to her turning up with her friend...
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hihihi it's so good when we don't regret tattoos, I have no idea how many tattoos I have but I know 2 of them I would like to cover
I've got one i want to cover, but its with a similar idea as to what it already is. I've got a western/eastern zodiac tattoo on my left shoulder, want it redone to look better. I was never 100% sold on when i got it, and have a better tattoo parlour i go to than my original

So many times, i see things i want to buy; and whats caused this right now is seeing the 2024 calanders; as well as the boots being on offer, stuck them into the basket; went into Paypal; and then find out the P&P is almost the price of the boots themselves. Boo. Theres other things as well that this has shown up; Etsy especially.

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I think that SG should have a warehouse and shipping partner in the Netherlands for the EU, the taxes for companies are really low for businesses in the NL, and that would make the shipping prices reasonable for Europe. From the EU, some items in the SG online shop have shipping costs that are 2X the price of the item. This makes no business sense whatsoever...
It'd certainly help with P&P prices for European fans, tho do remember its not necessarily SG's fault that the price is so high @sdawg74

I challenged (I mean, i wanted this tattoo anyway...) 2 of my friends to draw this tattoo. Sith Code inspired; Through Victory my chains are broken. and this is the design that won. (The other one was AWESOME, but i wanted it on my forearm, and the other was more of a backpiece/ thigh; somewhere meaty. So happy with it tho. The girl that did...
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Beautiful tattoo 😻

I thought i'd treat myself to a new tattoo. The top picture is a doodle my friend did; back in 2005; below is the tattoo i got today of it. I'm so happy with it and i'm so gutted that it has taken me so long to do it.

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Amazing 🤩

So, I rarely post any blogs up to here; and this is going to be more of a photo dump. but still.

Legs out with the lads

Part of the "Mad Squad" as the bride called us; most of us had gone by that point; so was just the 5 of us left; but needed a selfie of us on the final day before prepping
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Had actually hoped to upload more pictures but kept saying there was an issue

At 4 in the morning! WTF?

Worked last night; did 5pm till 3am. Got to train station going home; got off at my stop, girl asks for help buying a ticket. Helped her - almost; she didnt actually buy a ticket....And instead we sat at the beach (then nearer trainstation where its warmer) having a bear.

Gave her my number; got hers...chilled for about an...
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@medmusa never met up again unfortunately. Should have met at 12 on the wednesday; she 12 to say she was busy, rescheduled to 6pm. 5pm came & she rang again. Gaveva reason, was doing paperwork all day to get a flat. Okay, fair enough reason. Rescheduled again, for friday as i was busy on the thursday.
Oops, havent finished the message. Thursday evening we messaged then she rang me, asking if i was actually single, 'yes, and you?' She says yes, see you tomorrow & gave some kissy noise over the phone (which i ignored and that might be the reason she then starts to ignore Friday comes, messaged her to see if she was ready, no reply, phoned her and it basically went straight to answer phone so i think shed blocked me. She tried ringing me a couple of times later (f knows why) tried to ring again with the same problem. Kinda glad for it to happen early with being messed around multiple times as i never got "really" invested in any relationship, but still. @medmusa

I’ve been tagged by @nanette to do @lemon’s Icebreaker Quiz

1) What song have you been listening to on repeat lately?

Joan Jetts cover of Dirty Deeds. Heard it for the first time a week ago, probably the best cover of the song!

2)Do you have any upcoming tattoos planned?

I've had plans for ages. One might be adapted from the original plan of...
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@maleh  @babyaalienn  @aliceinwondercat  @brunhild  Thank you all.
Joan Jett ROCKS!

Would you say i' 6 months early, or 6 months late to open a JD advent calender that i found at work and bought? Debated buying it but gave in...

The fact it was in the overstock shelves in the aisle for (lets call it 5 months) after we should have sold it just goes to show what an amazing job the day staff do....
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