Aurora83's, Revinant + Miss Morbus's mom (well mom-in-law in one instance heh) got into a nasty fight with the sidewalk today and lost.

Thankfully she'll be ok and just a pen in the wrist. But that really sucks. I'll have to give her a call and see how she's doing.
So that's pretty much the hilight of the night. Gave Aurora83 a ride to get her car and picked up dinner with her. She seemed kinda down (I mean who wouldn't be).
On the other hand almost every single plan I've had for the day got flushed. My dad and I were supposed to move some furniture and get him moved into a new place (him and the girlfriend decided on different residences) at about 09:00. Then I was going to visit the wonderful and ever-so-helpful financial aid dept. at my uni. Then me and Revinant were going to go shoot shit (.22 semi auto rifle, 12ga. single, 12ga. auto feed, and .22 match). Then I was supposed to go deposit money and settle the cable bill. It turned into me sleeping until 15 min before the bank stops depositing for the day, barely getting it in on time, waiting an hour for my dad to call back only to hear that he was too tired to move shit, going to financial aid and getting it taken care of (OMG that's like a first!), running to the cable office and paying goddamn near $200. Then helping out Aurora83. And now that I have no further plans I'm lost as to what to do the rest of the night.
Soooo. If any of you sucka's live in shreveport and wanna go grab a drink, IM me.

yeah today hasnt been the best...