I just got an email from my Calc II professor. I got a D!! I know it sounds bad, but it is fucking great! This means I did indeed graduate. Hooray! I still have to turn in one last paper to my research advisor so that I can get credit for that class, but I am sure that she will give me an A once I do. I am soooo happy! Yay! This means I can get on with my life and get a real job. San Diego, here I come! Soon I will be able to go grocery shopping whenever I want and buy new pants instead of duct taping the holes in my old ones. I'll even be able to change the oil in my car when it needs it. Fuck you exams and homework! Fuck you reading assignments! I am done, done, done!
Thanks for all the positive thoughts and well-wishes everyone. They really helped. Finally I can put down the schoolbooks, move to San Diego, and go be an anti-social lab rat! Yay!
Oh and I might be going gray for a little while. I am no longer working at the university and I haven't found a new job yet, so money is tight. If I go away, rest assured that I will try to be back soon. And don't miss me too much.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts and well-wishes everyone. They really helped. Finally I can put down the schoolbooks, move to San Diego, and go be an anti-social lab rat! Yay!

Oh and I might be going gray for a little while. I am no longer working at the university and I haven't found a new job yet, so money is tight. If I go away, rest assured that I will try to be back soon. And don't miss me too much.

I, myself, squeeked through with a C- in Russian 104 that I'm sure was a gift from a TA who didn't want me in his summer class.
It's a nice feeling to be able to buy all that stuff.