I'm starting to think that old people should have to take their damn driving test over every couple years. Some old couple pulled out right in front of me today. Like almost drove right into my damn car! I slamed on the brakes, skidded, then hit the back of their car. So they keep fucking going! I follow them for 5 damn blocks honking my horn, flashing my lights, waiting for the lady to pull the hell over. She never does! Un-fucking-believable!
So I call up the cops and the CHP meets me a few blocks away at my university so he can take a report. I got her license plate number and all, so hopefully I will get my car fixed. I don't know if she was trying to pull a hit-and-run or if she was too damn old to even notice that I hit her damn car! All this just two weeks after my car got broken into. My Kia is going to hate me for all the shit it has had to go through
. And my neck hurts like hell. I went to the clinic at school and they gave me pain meds and told me I would probably be better in a few days. I'm supposed to go back if I'm not. I fucking LOVE getting free health care from my school
So I call up the cops and the CHP meets me a few blocks away at my university so he can take a report. I got her license plate number and all, so hopefully I will get my car fixed. I don't know if she was trying to pull a hit-and-run or if she was too damn old to even notice that I hit her damn car! All this just two weeks after my car got broken into. My Kia is going to hate me for all the shit it has had to go through

i think its a conspiracy that your kia has been making deals with the underground to brutalize you..................
um... sorry to read that. hope things are better!