happy b-day; rock on.
ahahha the shocker!!! happy birthday!!! love
I'm sorry, it's the eyes that do you in. Mr. Gosling is a very attractive man, mind you. I think it's pretty obvious with the shaved head you're channeling his The Believer days.

Thank you about my pics. Someday I hope for someone to say my hat photo captions are a great ode to the best B/cult movies.

I have heard of the name Bill Hicks, but I can't place any particular standup to him. I'm going to google right now.
hey, clearin out the backlog, here, welcome to SGCO
Let it be known that not every member of SG is a lame elitist indie-rocker or a predictable girl gushing over lame elitist indie rockers.

The Extreme Music for Extreme People community has set me up with some killer metal recommendations. Blasting Arsis - Celebration of Guilt all over the place right now. Because metal is so much more metal than indie rock.
proud to be part of that group. smile
This guy at the Charlotte Observer put together a list of the 5 greatest rock songs of all time. It's really not nearly as bad a list as I anticipated. Points for including Little Richard. He also invites people to send in their own lists.

It's a harder effort than you think. I could have just as easily sent in my five favorites, but...
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Well, it is your list, so it shall be. For me a better example of protest rock was "I'd love to change the world" by Ten Years After.... AFA Southern Rock goes, for me the defining band was the Allman Bros.....on a good night, Duane was god, ( and even on a bad night), and the whole band cohesed into an organic whole that just could not be matched...

Agreed, choosing a particular song for the Beatles would be rather difficult. While it's not really a rock song, I'd be tempted to go with "Yesterday." Heavily covered, popular when it was released, innovative for its time, and its influence is fairly easy to trace. But you're right, it's very difficult to isolate a single song from their collection as illustrative of what they contributed to music.

While I understand not wanting to include Elvis simply for impact, I would say that he probably gets points for mass appeal as well. In those to categories (impact and mass appeal), he blows Little Richard away. On the other hand, Little Richard certainly has the edge in innovation and, for you, in aesthetic appeal. "Vision" is kinda murky for a criteria, so I can't say who I'd say has the edge there.

The odd thing about Floyd is that they really had very little impact on rock. In some ways, they're like the most evolved form of a dead evolutionary bent in rock music. No one really followed in the tradition of their sound (those that sound similar usually owe a greater debt to the prog rockers).

I suppose one of the reasons why I shy away from making lists is that I never feel as though I have enough information. Like, if I were to make a "top 5 Rock Songs" list, I'd have to first hear every rock song and evaluate each before I could compile a list, else my list might overlook something important. I might be able to cull together a list of "Best Folk Songs Referencing Franz Kafka 68-71," but maybe not.
Me: courtesy of ninjaguydan@yahoo.com

It's an awesome portrait, but too big for the journal, so here it is linked for you.
I look all comic book n' shit.
hehe, that's pretty cool man. looks like an album cover. biggrin
Reason I rule #5511:

Tearing it up at the bar with one of my oldest friends - sending the boy off to Cali for a job - I ripped everyone to shreds with "Ace of Spades." I think when you're pounded by "Black Velvet" and "Something to Talk About" and a shitload of Alanis, etc, a bit of Motrhead completely fucks with you.

I commanded...
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"That WWAWKD? on your desk - does that mean 'What would Andrew WK do?'"


"Okay. At first, I thought it was 'What would a white kid do?'"
Thank you. I'm sure my little one will appreciate that knock knock joke... if he lets me get to the punchline.
Yeah that's a good point. I tried to tell him the one about the Octopus and the Bagpipes today. I think he just laughed to make me feel good.
The Mensa test didn't happen. I actually kind of expected that. The Denver chapter is really unorganized and I never got a response from the guy. He takes forever to respond to e-mails.

On a different note, I've got a story I'm working on. For the first time in a while, I think I've got a viable idea for a short. Thing is, I wanna...
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i did the mensa preparation test on their website once, it drove me insane (i had some hopes since i had a reasonably good IQ test but then again the top 2% of the population, that isn't me)

personally i think heroism is still everywhere, to me heroism and bravery is still acting despite of how terrified you are and preferably in a way that you're still nice and cool while doing it.
any soldier who goes to war willingly and knowingly and every guy who stands up to a friend in a lost fight is a small hero to me.
if you're talking about the rambo's and die hards, that's not heroism that's just stupidity to amuse people.
i think these days people got too smart to still accept a character like rambo for a hero that's why the more mundane heroes full of conflict and fear are more popular, easier to identify with and somewhat easier to accept as reall.

[Edited on Jun 10, 2004 1:52AM]
A madman's bulldozer rampage that wipes out half a town is the kind of thing that gets you thinking.

It seems his beef with the city, the zoning board, and the cement plant that they let open next to his shop all came to a head when that reinforced bulldozer squared off against the cement plant owner's own heavy equipment.

That's so... fucking... epic,...
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jesus, people are so scary.
Saw the Punks vs. Psychos tour in Denver, though Lars Frederiksen was pretty-much right in saying it's the Punks vs. Horrorpops tour, since Nekromantix didn't play.

Lars & the Bastards were great. Motherfucker looks like Lemmy from Motrhead these days.

Saw it with a girl I used to work with at the record store. She was my punk rock goddess back in the day; I...
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wow. I think my comment may have come off a little accusatory int the wording, which is why I apologise. I was just being curious as to why so many people say that. Furthermore, too few people care to be into depth substance and character. that and your mensa application impress me about you. blush confused
aww, I'm your first friend. you seem super interesting. IM me any time Schoolgirl 12277. see ya later inky.