i really REALLY need to get my ass in gear and file this restraining ordre but i dont know how to fill it out! grr! and i need to get ahold of the people to collect my money from the pussy who decided it would be a good idea to sucker punch me from behind thinking he was gonna take me out with a suck punch behind my ear sorry pal you just fucked your self ...90 days in jail...restraining order...making you pay for ER visit...time missed from work and felony assault charges on your record...land will be getting money outta you oh and getting your ass whooped in county jail and again once you get out dont EVER fuck with me im way smarter than you pal... haha and to think all i ended up with was a broken nose and a concussion hahaha see when it comes to whooping your ass i just do it a littler better and smarter haha. you are fucked my friend...HAHAHA BITCH!
im a devious little fucker muahahhaa!
im a devious little fucker muahahhaa!