Well I've come up with a plan to get my butt in gear. I've signed up for udacity's front end developer nanodegree program. About a month in and I've already got one project passed. Due date was 5/5 but I had it in friday (5/1) I probably couldve had it in two weeks ago but ran into some bugs in my code. Plus, I didnt...
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@khachery I started it last night. It’s far from finished. I think it’s coming out ok for first time working with acrylics. Definitely a different medium
that Cool!!!! 💖 😊
I just don’t know what’s up with me lately. Not sure if this being at home, stay-at-home order, is affecting me or my meds are off or I just need me time... I’ll add more to this when I am able to. I rejoined SG after a several year hiatus. Hoping to maybe find people to just bs with or just become semi-social again. The...
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@littlemissbondage thanks for the welcome and kind words. I don’t really have many friends I go to to talk. We’ve all kind of went our separate ways. All had families, gotten married and just stopped staying in touch but I remember enjoying being on the site so I thought I’d give it a shot again.
@inkaholik yeah I understand! That happens! I’m always here and there will be loads of thread for you to get to know people in. 🖤
i really REALLY need to get my ass in gear and file this restraining ordre but i dont know how to fill it out! grr! and i need to get ahold of the people to collect my money from the pussy who decided it would be a good idea to sucker punch me from behind thinking he was gonna take me out with a suck...
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had to be taken to the emergency room as a result of a douche bag who sucker punched me from behind ....
i now have a broken nose, and a concussion
he is having charges pressed against him for felony assault
as well as being sued for medical bills, time lost from work, and pain and suffering
if i could i would sue for him...
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i now have a broken nose, and a concussion
he is having charges pressed against him for felony assault
as well as being sued for medical bills, time lost from work, and pain and suffering
if i could i would sue for him...
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That sucks... what a massive pussy! Why on earth would someone do that?? I hope you get better soon angel! x
I keep really blushing when people say nice things... not used too it guess, hence the set!! But thank you i graciously accept your compliments x

woo vegas in july!!! to go see unwritten law at the hard rock pool side! july 30th to august 2nd unfortunately not flying were driving gonna need my xanax and norco and somas for the drive. but totally stoked!!! ive never been to vegas woohoo!
Haha! whoo hoo! ill book my flight over 
always fancied the idea of "re-living" Hunter S Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" experience... it's up there on my 'list of things to do before i die" haha... maybe one day

always fancied the idea of "re-living" Hunter S Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" experience... it's up there on my 'list of things to do before i die" haha... maybe one day

ahhh... you've made me blush!

Yep. she rocks 

im fucked!
then again who wants to hear about MY money problems when i know everyones got their own. FUCK! i want to stab the ppl who put us in this fucked up economy while they sit back and count their cash fuckinm bastards. i mean im thankful ive got a job, a well paying job (just not very many hrs im on call) but...
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then again who wants to hear about MY money problems when i know everyones got their own. FUCK! i want to stab the ppl who put us in this fucked up economy while they sit back and count their cash fuckinm bastards. i mean im thankful ive got a job, a well paying job (just not very many hrs im on call) but...
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Me too... lets go stabbing 

Thank you for commenting in my new set
Thank you for commenting in my new set

Acceptance to marry you but you live very far from my!!
Acceptance to marry you but you live very far from my!!

things are back to normal......sorta......for the time being......