As I mentioned previously, Ringleader tagged me to post 20 interesting facts about myself. The rules of the game are as follows: I post my facts, I tag 5 people, they must post 20 facts. Simple enough.
Here you go:
1) I'm so short that in some states I qualify for a handicapped parking pass as a "little person".
2) I've had a random piece of string tied around my wrist for over 6 months. I've become strangely superstitious about it and now won't cut it off untl my first performance at Ka.
3) I cross my "Z's" when I write.
4) I tumbled with Mary Lou Retton on the Olympic Training Center's promotional video when I was 10.
5) I performed in my first opera when I was 8.
6) I'm the messiest person I know.
7) My juvenile record is riddled with petty offenses.
8) I was kicked out of choir for playing "Strip hangman" in the back of a bus while returning from a madrigal festival.
9) I wore a fat suit every day for 3 years at my last job.
10) I did $1000-$2000 worth of damage to a theatre in front of a sold out crowd of 1750 with a golf cart, and didn't get fired.
11) I've made a living being "professionally cute".
12) One time, I cried in Panda Express because they didn't have tofu.
13) I'm Bipolar II
14) I can recite the alphabet backwards AND name all 50 states alphabetically in less than 1 minute
15) For a straight lady, I kiss an awful lot of girls.
16) Due to a mistake made by my orthodontist years ago, a random piece of chain (Maybe 3/4 of an inch long) was left in my mouth after a surgery. My gums grew over it and you can still see it to this day. (If I let you...)
17) My boyfriend is a Zen Buddhist
18) I know a little about a lot of things.
19) If you fly out of The Las Vegas airport you'll be forced to see me on the security instructional video. I'm wearing a giant asymetrical pink bow.
20) My Mom thinks I'm funny.
Ta da! I like making lists! Lets go for 60 facts...
Now, I tag some of the friendlies. Who to tag?????
Based on my random system of selection I choose:
Morningbloom, Egon, Obrien, Loslope, and Emelaeth. Though I'll admit, I'd like to read 20 facts about all of you! (*hint, hint*)
Hook it up bitches! Go forth to your destiny!
Here you go:
1) I'm so short that in some states I qualify for a handicapped parking pass as a "little person".
2) I've had a random piece of string tied around my wrist for over 6 months. I've become strangely superstitious about it and now won't cut it off untl my first performance at Ka.
3) I cross my "Z's" when I write.
4) I tumbled with Mary Lou Retton on the Olympic Training Center's promotional video when I was 10.
5) I performed in my first opera when I was 8.
6) I'm the messiest person I know.
7) My juvenile record is riddled with petty offenses.
8) I was kicked out of choir for playing "Strip hangman" in the back of a bus while returning from a madrigal festival.
9) I wore a fat suit every day for 3 years at my last job.
10) I did $1000-$2000 worth of damage to a theatre in front of a sold out crowd of 1750 with a golf cart, and didn't get fired.
11) I've made a living being "professionally cute".
12) One time, I cried in Panda Express because they didn't have tofu.
13) I'm Bipolar II
14) I can recite the alphabet backwards AND name all 50 states alphabetically in less than 1 minute
15) For a straight lady, I kiss an awful lot of girls.
16) Due to a mistake made by my orthodontist years ago, a random piece of chain (Maybe 3/4 of an inch long) was left in my mouth after a surgery. My gums grew over it and you can still see it to this day. (If I let you...)
17) My boyfriend is a Zen Buddhist
18) I know a little about a lot of things.
19) If you fly out of The Las Vegas airport you'll be forced to see me on the security instructional video. I'm wearing a giant asymetrical pink bow.
20) My Mom thinks I'm funny.
Ta da! I like making lists! Lets go for 60 facts...

Now, I tag some of the friendlies. Who to tag?????
Based on my random system of selection I choose:
Morningbloom, Egon, Obrien, Loslope, and Emelaeth. Though I'll admit, I'd like to read 20 facts about all of you! (*hint, hint*)
Hook it up bitches! Go forth to your destiny!
And no shit! I am hu$$y too. Always have been. I figured out masterbation in second grade. In fact I tried to tell one of my best friends about the newfound glory and instead of sharing in the glory, she told everyone. Yeah, I got made fun of for that shit all the way through middle school. Those were the times before people talked about it. Assholes. I know they all did it too. Or maybe not, because when I have asked my friends when they figured it out, most of them say 14+. WTF? Same with first kiss most people in my journal said 15+!?! I mean I had a boy ask me to marry him in kindergarden. What is wrong with these people?