Welll what a fine evening it is. SO i bet you're all wondering how my moat has come along. Well you will never believe what happened..... i was digging, like digging digging away with a shovel.. WHEN BANG i struck gold!! I discovered a treasure map... with an X on it. X MARKS THE TREASURE!!! so my moat-making is temporarily going to be on hold until i retrieve the treasure hidden on a far-away island beneath a big W!!!! anyway enough of the leprochauns...
Thought i might update my journal considering havent done it for a while. give some updates. so im back at school after the holidays! the last term for the year! t00t and then summer!!! woahhh. This weekend was sooo fucking good, the weather was RAD! Im enjoying the sun setting out my window now, its glorious. but yeah i might put down what ive done this weekend i guess so i can look back and remember and be like oh yeah.. cool! hmm ive gotten the stereo done in my car.. nearly had a big crash on my motor-cycle, some fucking whore drove out right in front of me. i tripped out so much i had to like sit down for 20 minutes because my limbs wouldnt work from so much shock, fucking scariest point of my life so far i reckon... but i know everytime i get on the motorcycle it is a big risk because they are so dangerous. but i only live once, theyre fun, so i ride it. hmmm this weekend.. on friday night after school i was desperate to re-arange my bedroom for some reason, i just HAD to!! so i STARTED to do that.. but still not even half way.. haha! and then spyke rocked over so i could check out his exhaust coz apparently it was getting really bad. hmm what did we do.. we went to dan murphys and bought 6 bottles of passion pop (je-ya) went to his place met up with josh and duss, got maggotted then went out to some chicks birthday at a pub just off smith st. was sick pub, saw so much crew hadn't seen for ages, the place was packed out with all mates so that was sick. renee was there, had a pretty long conversation with her, havent seen her for ages, spoke about leigh bellingham.. haha! the pub had a shit booze variety though and for a goddamn ripoff price. those shit immitation imported beers that are brewed in like donvale. they suck! and for like 6bucks a pop, that sucks. you can get 2 bottle of passion pop for that price!! haha. anyway im not the kinda person that goes out to pubs and drinks and socialises, i prefer to like make the evening a little more exciting. so anyway i got spike and started a bet that every pub we went to that night we had to 'stealth' something (steal) and the person with the best object at the end of the night is the winner. made the night very interesting, some of the things we had home at the end of the night were, a feather duster, bar mats, a vacuum cleaner, plastic gloves, some form of brush, glasses, a pool cue!! so yeah hahaha we got some pretty fucking random stuff, we hid it all in someones front garden and went got it after the pub crawl. after we got enough shit from the first pub we went down smith st into some more pubs, saw a band, threw candle wax at each other, drank more, went down to a bar called barry, was a queer night so wasnt exactly our kinda joint. josh and duss were chillin at some bar that wasnt so cool so me and spike headed away from smith and up to brunswick st. cant remember what we did there... oh yeah we went to a few more pubs and basically ended up at first floor, scored free entry and drinks. was a good night, it wasnt full of metro-homos so that was sweet as. was all fitzy locals, we had a dance and shit, jumped around. then we probably did something adventurous on the way home, but im over writing about friday night. haha. saturday.. hmm i chilled out with the midgets! went picked up nugget, jack, and mikey and we went down to coburg to check out the comp, was shit so we left and checked out about 15 schools around watsonia and shit, ended up at heidelberg pole jam, the watkins demolition skills came in handy as the original pole jam had been ripped out so we kinda.. 'designed' our own. was sick. took some shots (as you can see) after the skate was over we went to my brothers joint for a barbeque that was sickkk fun! haha so much funny stuff happened. threw a cream cake in tinos face.. haha soooo funny!@!!!! then i took the kids back home... and i went back to my place to get ready to go out with my brother and shizza. we went to a bar called retro, they play all the old school 70's-80's hits, best music, best scene, mainly older crowd so that was good. goddamn i got shot in the wallet at this joint, 6bucks a stubby, so i decided id drink double bourbon and cokes, 180$ worth hahaha. very drunken night. some chick was showing off in front of my at the pool table, she was maggotted and stacked on her heels, her drink went flying up in the air hahahahah funniest shit. she was pretty embarrassed. i had some good conversations with people. hmm who was there... PLOPS, simon, batho, tin-tin, jack, crofty, danny, lucy, frago, and cant remember who else. had a bit of a dance, slapped some asses, smashed a paddle over a chicks ass hahaha and then wrote something on her ass? i was pretty blind by this stage. after a couple hours there we went another bar of many. i think it was called apartment, they had sick music and was like a new architectualy designed bar, i really liked it. then we went to a few other joints, crawled around the city, drank more bourbons, ended up at some bar, dunno where it is or what its called. but it was underground and was like an aquarium all around the outside walls... it was wicked! and there was all these fake flames, sick music, i digged it. all the people there were cool too. had a bit of a laugh, a yell out, all that shit. was really a good fun night. left there at 6.30 and me and tintin couldnt get a cab so we had to adventure through the city while everyone was waking up. there was a totally aweseome sun-rise. i pushed nick into a hedge and it left his exact body shape.. radical. finally we got a cab, got home at 8am or something. so after 2 nights in a row and a big skate in between i was fucking tired!! but i woke up at 12 and went out for a skate!! haha so im like sooo dead right now. i chilled down to fitzy bowl and had a skate there it was fun. i felt like going swimming though. but then i remembered i had no money.. haha damn. broke up a fight between some gay fagggot ass wogs on bikes and jude. i didnt wanna hang around so i left and went to clifton hill skatepark. it was awesome so i had like a 4 hour skate by myself. really enjoyed that. perfect weather, nobody around. did some tricks. really enjoyed my afternoon was a good way to finish the weekend. i think thats all im gonna write for now, coz my eyes are killing me. anyway i might update these things more often i reckon because most of my weekends are full of crazy adventures, and its nice to look back at it.
okie dokie then. good evening !!
Thought i might update my journal considering havent done it for a while. give some updates. so im back at school after the holidays! the last term for the year! t00t and then summer!!! woahhh. This weekend was sooo fucking good, the weather was RAD! Im enjoying the sun setting out my window now, its glorious. but yeah i might put down what ive done this weekend i guess so i can look back and remember and be like oh yeah.. cool! hmm ive gotten the stereo done in my car.. nearly had a big crash on my motor-cycle, some fucking whore drove out right in front of me. i tripped out so much i had to like sit down for 20 minutes because my limbs wouldnt work from so much shock, fucking scariest point of my life so far i reckon... but i know everytime i get on the motorcycle it is a big risk because they are so dangerous. but i only live once, theyre fun, so i ride it. hmmm this weekend.. on friday night after school i was desperate to re-arange my bedroom for some reason, i just HAD to!! so i STARTED to do that.. but still not even half way.. haha! and then spyke rocked over so i could check out his exhaust coz apparently it was getting really bad. hmm what did we do.. we went to dan murphys and bought 6 bottles of passion pop (je-ya) went to his place met up with josh and duss, got maggotted then went out to some chicks birthday at a pub just off smith st. was sick pub, saw so much crew hadn't seen for ages, the place was packed out with all mates so that was sick. renee was there, had a pretty long conversation with her, havent seen her for ages, spoke about leigh bellingham.. haha! the pub had a shit booze variety though and for a goddamn ripoff price. those shit immitation imported beers that are brewed in like donvale. they suck! and for like 6bucks a pop, that sucks. you can get 2 bottle of passion pop for that price!! haha. anyway im not the kinda person that goes out to pubs and drinks and socialises, i prefer to like make the evening a little more exciting. so anyway i got spike and started a bet that every pub we went to that night we had to 'stealth' something (steal) and the person with the best object at the end of the night is the winner. made the night very interesting, some of the things we had home at the end of the night were, a feather duster, bar mats, a vacuum cleaner, plastic gloves, some form of brush, glasses, a pool cue!! so yeah hahaha we got some pretty fucking random stuff, we hid it all in someones front garden and went got it after the pub crawl. after we got enough shit from the first pub we went down smith st into some more pubs, saw a band, threw candle wax at each other, drank more, went down to a bar called barry, was a queer night so wasnt exactly our kinda joint. josh and duss were chillin at some bar that wasnt so cool so me and spike headed away from smith and up to brunswick st. cant remember what we did there... oh yeah we went to a few more pubs and basically ended up at first floor, scored free entry and drinks. was a good night, it wasnt full of metro-homos so that was sweet as. was all fitzy locals, we had a dance and shit, jumped around. then we probably did something adventurous on the way home, but im over writing about friday night. haha. saturday.. hmm i chilled out with the midgets! went picked up nugget, jack, and mikey and we went down to coburg to check out the comp, was shit so we left and checked out about 15 schools around watsonia and shit, ended up at heidelberg pole jam, the watkins demolition skills came in handy as the original pole jam had been ripped out so we kinda.. 'designed' our own. was sick. took some shots (as you can see) after the skate was over we went to my brothers joint for a barbeque that was sickkk fun! haha so much funny stuff happened. threw a cream cake in tinos face.. haha soooo funny!@!!!! then i took the kids back home... and i went back to my place to get ready to go out with my brother and shizza. we went to a bar called retro, they play all the old school 70's-80's hits, best music, best scene, mainly older crowd so that was good. goddamn i got shot in the wallet at this joint, 6bucks a stubby, so i decided id drink double bourbon and cokes, 180$ worth hahaha. very drunken night. some chick was showing off in front of my at the pool table, she was maggotted and stacked on her heels, her drink went flying up in the air hahahahah funniest shit. she was pretty embarrassed. i had some good conversations with people. hmm who was there... PLOPS, simon, batho, tin-tin, jack, crofty, danny, lucy, frago, and cant remember who else. had a bit of a dance, slapped some asses, smashed a paddle over a chicks ass hahaha and then wrote something on her ass? i was pretty blind by this stage. after a couple hours there we went another bar of many. i think it was called apartment, they had sick music and was like a new architectualy designed bar, i really liked it. then we went to a few other joints, crawled around the city, drank more bourbons, ended up at some bar, dunno where it is or what its called. but it was underground and was like an aquarium all around the outside walls... it was wicked! and there was all these fake flames, sick music, i digged it. all the people there were cool too. had a bit of a laugh, a yell out, all that shit. was really a good fun night. left there at 6.30 and me and tintin couldnt get a cab so we had to adventure through the city while everyone was waking up. there was a totally aweseome sun-rise. i pushed nick into a hedge and it left his exact body shape.. radical. finally we got a cab, got home at 8am or something. so after 2 nights in a row and a big skate in between i was fucking tired!! but i woke up at 12 and went out for a skate!! haha so im like sooo dead right now. i chilled down to fitzy bowl and had a skate there it was fun. i felt like going swimming though. but then i remembered i had no money.. haha damn. broke up a fight between some gay fagggot ass wogs on bikes and jude. i didnt wanna hang around so i left and went to clifton hill skatepark. it was awesome so i had like a 4 hour skate by myself. really enjoyed that. perfect weather, nobody around. did some tricks. really enjoyed my afternoon was a good way to finish the weekend. i think thats all im gonna write for now, coz my eyes are killing me. anyway i might update these things more often i reckon because most of my weekends are full of crazy adventures, and its nice to look back at it.
okie dokie then. good evening !!

Happy birthday! 

Ahhh, sweet sweet lysergia. No, I meant the rather quasi-shamanic White Rabbit-esque effects as produced by lysergic acid diethylamide. As in, like, lsd.