I finally slept last night. I'd been up so long I started losing it...speaking in tongues, finding things to glue to the wall... My dreams are becoming progressively stranger and more vivid than waking life. Weirder than the typical visceral chaos and odd textures that find their way into my thoughts. I kinda want it to stop. I really don't get why I like this set so much
This website makes me...well, a lot of things, lonely is one of those things. I don't know why, but today all these pretty girls make me want to blow my brains against the ceiling. Or just take a bath
Kawasaki is waterproof!
This website makes me...well, a lot of things, lonely is one of those things. I don't know why, but today all these pretty girls make me want to blow my brains against the ceiling. Or just take a bath
knowing how much that sucks, im glad you got to sleep.
and you like that set so much cause Bailey is damn hot.