In the last year I dated a girl who was asking all these questions about ethnicity and religion to figure out if I was cut or uncut.

Who the hell was that and why didn't I sleep with her?

Apparently she preferred her men uncut because there was less friction. Is that a thing?

Oh! I remembered! It was the girl I dated in the spring. Yeah... "Uncut for her pleasure" may or may not be a thing, but she was strange regardless. 

I'm packing up the last of my stuff and moving out of my apartment today. I knew this would be a rough day because I'm not really moving anywhere. I'm leaving to drive around the country for about two months while I look for a new job. I didn't suspect this to be a rough day because of how much I already miss serendipitously bumping...
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At the end of February I was fired from the job I've been at since college (nearly seven years).

Don't feel sorry for me though. The job was no longer fun for me and I didn't like the direction the company was going in (or more accurately, I didn't like that the company wasn't going anywhere). I had planned on quitting in May regardless if...
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There's all the clichéd, boring batch of resolutions like exercise more, eat better, avoid fast food, read more, keep in touch with friends more often, keep the apartment clean for more than 3 days at a time,... For me, more important than all of that is, to put it bluntly, grow a pair. Whether it's saying no to my bosses more, telling the landlord her...
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Do you remember [adult swim] back in the early '00s? Ah.... College...

Mucho amor y amorna para t

<3 From Chile...
