Back at home for the holidays. Buried in work as usual. Only one semester more....phew!

Merry Everything!!! Happy Holidays!
Wow, It's been a while since an update. Things have been so insane since I've been back in town, I hardly have room to breath. Teaching two classes, taking 4, designing 3 shows...including my thesis...Rocky Horror. I'm getting sick of meetings. All I ever do is go to a meeting and wait for another meeting. I just want to stop meeting and get some fucking...
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my house is full of creepy paintings. i love seeing visitors' reactions.

how big is that?
ooh, that is big. and awesome!

dude, naps feel so good. especially when the sheets are cool, and your eyes are droopy, and. . . . oh. . . .

*gazes longingly at bed*
It's my birthday....im sick....yippee

smile puke smile
there is nothing like an hour long argument with your mother on the topic of how much your life is characterized as "failure"
I've had that very same arguement before!
Don't listen, its all bullshit.
You can't trust anyone over 35. wink
Selfish. Alright, I can do selfish.

seriously, your right. And I am trying my damnest to make think about the issues independent of other people. Truely I am.
So today was supposed to be my day off. I was supposed to get tons of shit done today. What happens...I get sick. Not only do I get sick, but i feel like complete ass. I got nothing accomplished today...and I had to go to my other job this afternoon.

On an upnote though, my friend Scott and his g/f decided to cook me soup...
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you think its cold there? bah!
Hope you feel better soon.
Today has been pretty rockin! Yesterday, I was all nervous because I sent out some random emails to graduate schools in hopes that they would have some openings for their Fall 2005 semester. This morning I received 2 emails from 1 school saying how much they want me to send them stuff. And 1 email from another school (who also called me twice while I...
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Gotta love it when the universe helps you out like that!