I cant seem to make a profile pic look right even when I resize it. oh well
well i got my computer.. i like this whole flat screen stuff. way better then the crap i had.
i've come to realize i hate my job. cant stand the casino one bit. people there walk around with their head so far up there ass and think they...
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well i got my computer.. i like this whole flat screen stuff. way better then the crap i had.
i've come to realize i hate my job. cant stand the casino one bit. people there walk around with their head so far up there ass and think they...
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sorry to hear that you can't find any naked girls...that always sucks

nothing really new.. been playing martha stewart keeping up with the house and shit. I wonder sometimes why I got married. He's never home anyways. I dont remember the last time he stayed home more then 2 hours other then to sleep.. I'm starting to wonder if I look like ass or something I don't know.
I want to go to Cali so bad just...
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I want to go to Cali so bad just...
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i wanna visit anywhere lol.. i want people to go with me cause i have no clue. I dont know. i just have this little voice or something like that
that tells me i gotta go there

well I live near SF and it's pretty awesome... you would like it.
well i just bought a new computer.. like i have the money for it. but what-ever. i needed one i guess seeing i've had this one since i was 16 lol..
all is the same at the homestead.. nothing changes same old shit everyday.. yanno what i hate is the freckin stereo type that says once you get married that you have to be Betty...
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all is the same at the homestead.. nothing changes same old shit everyday.. yanno what i hate is the freckin stereo type that says once you get married that you have to be Betty...
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I agree with Sidney. I think if you are both going to work you can both do chores. That's how it is with my man!
hope your doing well.....

ok today is a better day.. things in my head arent coming together yet but I still feel a hell of a lot better.
i get to go out w/one of my friends at work to go an see some strippers for her birthday on saturday that should liven some stuff up
ok i dont have anything good to say today so i'm thinkin...
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i get to go out w/one of my friends at work to go an see some strippers for her birthday on saturday that should liven some stuff up

ok i dont have anything good to say today so i'm thinkin...
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Hey just thought I would welcome you to sg. I read your post in LGBTQ and I just wanted to say that youre not alone. I've been marred for almost three years and love my husband to death but hes one of the very few men that Ive ever been attracted to. Most people disagree with how we deal with it but you have to do what works for you. Its just something you have to experience to really know for sure or not. If you ever need to talk feel free to post or email me.
ps we have the same name
ps we have the same name

hey wellcome to my friends list

Nice to see another fan of jack johnson and mike daughty
as well. jack johnson is a relatively recent discovery for me, I heard him through looking into new G love and special sauce music.
move like a jellyfish, rhythm is nothing, you go with the flow you don't stop
are a big part of it, just a cool groove.