I may have served and literally fought for my country, but I never released a half-assed, cliché music video that not-so-vaguely threatens violence. God bless you, Kid Rock, you magnificent fake redneck. Your contribution to America's greatness is incalculable. You can watch the greatest terrible piece of shit 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 ever seen HERE.
@weedfarmer @imnotferris another vet chiming in. Thank you, brothers, both for your service to our great nation. I like Kid Rock (kind of a guilty pleasure), but, this is a weak song. I wouldn't call Kid Rock a hero any more than I'd call Gene Simmons a hero for his contributions to the vets, or Bob Hope for his undying support of the troops. The troops are the heros in this context. Nonetheless, we served to uphold certain indelible rights, such as having an opinion and the ability to write and talk about them freely. So, imnotferris, preach your thoughts! Weedfarmer, thanks for your opinion, and thank you for seeing imnotferris' point. And thank both of you for coming to a resolve like adults... from the outside looking in, this could have gotten ugly.
@shawntloe, couldn't have said it better myself. And thank you for 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 service, sir.