I ran my theory about V from "V for Vendetta," past my coworker this morning. The one where I think he possibly milks sewer rats to make butter. My coworker seemed to think rats don't feed their young milk at all, just other rats. With today's modern technology, I went straight to Google for the answer. Turns out they do (I knew he was wrong, it's just easier not to argue sometimes. In fact, not only do they produce milk, but it's lower in water and higher in fat and energy content. Meaning...rat milk might be healthier than cow milk? Either way, I don't see Starbucks offering it as an alternative for lattes any time soon. Also, we passed a field with wrapped bails of hay, on the way to the job today, and I made an off-hand comment about how the marshmallow harvest would be bountiful this year, so now I've had the concept of Marshmallow Farms floating in my head all day.