here is THE denver spree pic that i managed to get sent to my email and then to sg. lets see if i figured out how to post it right. if so, it's a fuckin miracle, go call the pope.

Whats new Pussycat? Purrrrrrrr. kiss

I do not see these images you speak of..

[Edited on May 29, 2006 5:35PM]
well, i'm back in albuquerque and back at work. it's been a loooooong three days of 16 hour shifts and now i'm back to my days off again. somehow seems a little dull now after last week.

oh well, i only have to last till wednesday and then i'm gonna see nine inch nails at the journal pavilion. i'm hoping it's good.

so i still...
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grrrrrrr ARRR!!!
I know , I know...

grrrrrrr ARRR!!!

I raise you an 'arrrgh' skull

yay for i remembered to put the address into my phone so i can journal from my phone. dig it.

so.... yeah, i like denver.
Hi- I'm also new to this friending lark so I'm giving you a request.
I was in Denver once- nice place... although I was only a kid at the time skull
And lo, rachel arrived in denver. and lo, it was good.
and there was much rejoicing.

we didn't get off our asses and get on the freeway till 3pm but we still got here around 9, made pretty good time. i think i only said "oops, i'm speeding' four or five times.

anyhow, we got here and said howdy to my family and then went...
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ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!

it's about fuckin time, too. i haven't had a vacation in like 4 years.
my friend lindsey has been under stress because of work and an illness in her family and i've been stressed because i lost most of my over time at my job and am looking around to pick up a part time job, i'm stressing because of loss of money....
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Rachel , nothing is worth getting stressed over - go take a fuckin break & have a laugh - & get some pics up!

T x
hi, there. please post a picture of yourself so I can verify gender and let you into Girls only. if you have a specific reason for not posting a pic, PM me and let me know. we'll figure something out.
so saturday night was interesting. i got woken up at about 3 am by the sounds of fighting or partying in the street in front of my house. i didn't think much of it at first because i live in the university area and there is always partying and fighting in the street on saturday night. i had to bring in my dog because she...
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so yay for we decided to go see ministry and the revolting cocks after all. we even managed to spare the time to get the tickets before the show so we didn't have to deal with trying to pay at the door. we met some cool guy up in the balcony bar who let us sit at his table and even bought us drinks. bonus!...
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i can't really tell who you are since you have no pics uploaded! robot

Hmm - Ministry & Revco - delish!

Caught Ministry over here last year - was all fuckin loud & distorted though.

Revco should be touring here soon... smile