Busy, busy, busy, busy, BUSY!!!!! I started Cosmetology school...FINALLY...January 3rd...so I am there from 5pm til 10pm Monday through Thursday...then I've been working 6 to 7 hours a day and this past Friday I worked 9 hours...and sometimes I go into the office on Saturdays as well...I'm still cleaning houses but my boss has asked me to give her any spare time I have to help her get her office in order...seeing as that's what I used to do for a living...administrative assistant...so anywho...SWAMPED people! Yesterday I cleaned MY house and got most of the laundry done and put up....today I am going to finish the laundry, go to the grocery store, paint the kitchen and do my homework....then tomorrow my work/school week starts all over again...where I'm pretty much just home to sleep and that's it! LOL Yeah...it's wearing...but it'll all be worth it in the end I suppose...
The custody stuff is going...the court date is set for later on in the month so we really won't know how things are going until then...Vanny is in school, getting re-certified so he can be ready to put himself back out on the market when all this crap blows over. We'll probably be re-locating. We've been looking into Atlanta, GA, so we shall see.
So what do y'all have planned for Valentine's Day? We get out of school early that night so I told Vanny to be prepared! Because I deserve a good V-Day this year damn it! LOL The past three V-Day's we've ended up with the kids and weren't able to do anything!
I actually cried last year...it just wasn't fair you know? Their mom getting to go out year after year with a different guy each time...and me sitting at home with three screaming children....But anywho...
The custody stuff is going...the court date is set for later on in the month so we really won't know how things are going until then...Vanny is in school, getting re-certified so he can be ready to put himself back out on the market when all this crap blows over. We'll probably be re-locating. We've been looking into Atlanta, GA, so we shall see.
So what do y'all have planned for Valentine's Day? We get out of school early that night so I told Vanny to be prepared! Because I deserve a good V-Day this year damn it! LOL The past three V-Day's we've ended up with the kids and weren't able to do anything!

Where you beeeeeeen girlie mama???
Busy. God, that is one fucking word I understand and sympathize more than you could imagine. God luck with school.