Well....we finally got the kids rooms finished, but I'm still wroking on furniture and all that so I'll take some pics when everything is more in order....maybe later on today...my youngest's room is soooooooo adorable! But anywho...
We went to a swinging party this weekend...I think there were like 8 or 10 couples that showed up total...it was pretty fun...the first night I didn't even have sex with anybody, which was kind of odd for me...but I DID get some help masturbating for 3 hours straight! I went through three guys arms and must have cum over 50 times...it was INSANE! but oh so lovely! LOL The second night we hooked up with a young BDSM couple and they introduced me to the tens unit, cupping and flame play...I didn't actually try the cupping or flame play but I want to! I ended up being the one taking all the pics this time and missed out on a lot of the fun...
I did get whipped with various devices though so that was nice....here are some pics of the evening...
Me with pink kitty ears on....the host suggested I wear them...she said my hair was looking anime and I needed some ears! LOL
And remember this thing?
Well, here you go! I finally found some friends that can take this thing and it is soooooooo incredibel to watch!
This is my preggo friend! Isn't she so cute? She is 6 months along...and using this lovely device that you can see a better pic of in my folders...I'll put a link at the end of this update...just didn't want to put anything hard core IN my actual journal! LOL
Here is a pic of "cupping"...I had never even heard of this before but it looks really cool...I think I want to try it on my ass cheeks...actually, I suggested getting various sized of cups and making designs on her back...but anywho...
Here's a pic of the flame play...this was soooo cool! I SO want to try this sometime...I wanted to try it then, but I guess I got too caught up in photography and forgot...and we were all just too dead the next morning...we did this for two nights you know...
And here is my man wearing a pink robe on the last morning there and doing the Captain Morgan stance...god he is sooooooooo CUTE!
There are some fisting pics and such in my folder and some more flame play shots and all that if you're intersted...Sorry there are no nekkie shots of me, but I was the one taking all the pics so it was hard to get myself in any of the shots! LOL Twas fun though!
This past weekend
Okay, SO...I went ahead and took a few pics of the two other kiddos rooms...even though neither of them are finished yet....I was just tired of waiting....plus they will probably be in them and tear them up before I get a chance to actually finish them anway...SO...here you have it...
I did a pretty crappy job on these flames...my oldest and I decided they looked more like blue crab claws but you know...I was tired damn it...and had very little help SO....there ya have it...
And here is my youngest's room...she likes the whole princess thing, so I dolled it up as best I could! lol I still need to get a pink rug and do a few more things in there but for the most part it's ready to go...unlike my boy's room...which had quite a few more things I need to hang on the wall....
And here is what's behind that orange curtain...
Here is a little dress up area I set up for her...eventually I'd like to paint that mirror frame either pink or orange but for the time being it will do...I doubt she's going to complain you know? lol
And here is a wicker book shelf thingie I've had forever...this thing has come in handy so many times you just have no idea...it's been in just about every room you can think of for some purpose or other...hell, I even let someone borrow it once! HA!
And here is a pic with some of the things I still have left to do in there...the mirror we are going to fit in that hole between this room and the kitchen is already cut out and ready to go...it's just a matter of Vanny taking the time to put it in...the other side is going to be a spice rack...which will be nice...I don't have enough cabinet space as it is so having my own spice rack will free some of that up...
Well, my blood pressure dropped down to an all low of 79/43 yesterday...I ended up throwing up twice and probably should have gone to the hospital...instead I just ingested tons of caffiene, as usual, and slept a lot....so I'm feeling rather crappy at the moment and am probably going to go check my pressure and then lay down for a while...I have the worse headache imaginable...sigh...damn blood pressure..if it's not too high it's too damn low....it's really annoying..I just want to enjoy my damn life you know? I'm too young to have to worry about my heart stopping all the damn time! sigh....and to top all that off, I called in to tell my boss I couldn't work today because of my pressure, so instead of giving my houses to someone else to do she just put one for tomorrow and one for the next day...giving me two 9 hour days not including driving...I don't even know if I can do ONE house tomorrow, let alone THREE...hell...you should see MY house...it's all I can do to get around for more than 15 to 20 mins at a time....AND I'm taking energy pills...there's just no way in hell it's going to happen this week...or atleast not in the next few days anyway...
We went to a swinging party this weekend...I think there were like 8 or 10 couples that showed up total...it was pretty fun...the first night I didn't even have sex with anybody, which was kind of odd for me...but I DID get some help masturbating for 3 hours straight! I went through three guys arms and must have cum over 50 times...it was INSANE! but oh so lovely! LOL The second night we hooked up with a young BDSM couple and they introduced me to the tens unit, cupping and flame play...I didn't actually try the cupping or flame play but I want to! I ended up being the one taking all the pics this time and missed out on a lot of the fun...

Me with pink kitty ears on....the host suggested I wear them...she said my hair was looking anime and I needed some ears! LOL

And remember this thing?

Well, here you go! I finally found some friends that can take this thing and it is soooooooo incredibel to watch!

This is my preggo friend! Isn't she so cute? She is 6 months along...and using this lovely device that you can see a better pic of in my folders...I'll put a link at the end of this update...just didn't want to put anything hard core IN my actual journal! LOL

Here is a pic of "cupping"...I had never even heard of this before but it looks really cool...I think I want to try it on my ass cheeks...actually, I suggested getting various sized of cups and making designs on her back...but anywho...

Here's a pic of the flame play...this was soooo cool! I SO want to try this sometime...I wanted to try it then, but I guess I got too caught up in photography and forgot...and we were all just too dead the next morning...we did this for two nights you know...

And here is my man wearing a pink robe on the last morning there and doing the Captain Morgan stance...god he is sooooooooo CUTE!

There are some fisting pics and such in my folder and some more flame play shots and all that if you're intersted...Sorry there are no nekkie shots of me, but I was the one taking all the pics so it was hard to get myself in any of the shots! LOL Twas fun though!

This past weekend

Okay, SO...I went ahead and took a few pics of the two other kiddos rooms...even though neither of them are finished yet....I was just tired of waiting....plus they will probably be in them and tear them up before I get a chance to actually finish them anway...SO...here you have it...
I did a pretty crappy job on these flames...my oldest and I decided they looked more like blue crab claws but you know...I was tired damn it...and had very little help SO....there ya have it...

And here is my youngest's room...she likes the whole princess thing, so I dolled it up as best I could! lol I still need to get a pink rug and do a few more things in there but for the most part it's ready to go...unlike my boy's room...which had quite a few more things I need to hang on the wall....

And here is what's behind that orange curtain...

Here is a little dress up area I set up for her...eventually I'd like to paint that mirror frame either pink or orange but for the time being it will do...I doubt she's going to complain you know? lol

And here is a wicker book shelf thingie I've had forever...this thing has come in handy so many times you just have no idea...it's been in just about every room you can think of for some purpose or other...hell, I even let someone borrow it once! HA!

And here is a pic with some of the things I still have left to do in there...the mirror we are going to fit in that hole between this room and the kitchen is already cut out and ready to go...it's just a matter of Vanny taking the time to put it in...the other side is going to be a spice rack...which will be nice...I don't have enough cabinet space as it is so having my own spice rack will free some of that up...

Well, my blood pressure dropped down to an all low of 79/43 yesterday...I ended up throwing up twice and probably should have gone to the hospital...instead I just ingested tons of caffiene, as usual, and slept a lot....so I'm feeling rather crappy at the moment and am probably going to go check my pressure and then lay down for a while...I have the worse headache imaginable...sigh...damn blood pressure..if it's not too high it's too damn low....it's really annoying..I just want to enjoy my damn life you know? I'm too young to have to worry about my heart stopping all the damn time! sigh....and to top all that off, I called in to tell my boss I couldn't work today because of my pressure, so instead of giving my houses to someone else to do she just put one for tomorrow and one for the next day...giving me two 9 hour days not including driving...I don't even know if I can do ONE house tomorrow, let alone THREE...hell...you should see MY house...it's all I can do to get around for more than 15 to 20 mins at a time....AND I'm taking energy pills...there's just no way in hell it's going to happen this week...or atleast not in the next few days anyway...

If you don't mind me asking (it's what I do for a living lol) what meds are you on? Are you taking meds for hypertension? If your BP is THAT low because of meds, sounds like you might need a different med altogether... that's really low sweetie, not good for you at all! (As you can tell buy the yacking) I would talk to your doctor asap... There's a lot of great meds out there, but like with any disease, the trick is finding the right one. And actually, the caffeine probably wasn't a bad idea, believe it or not. Caffeine does up your pressure and heart rate, which may be just what the body needed anyway. Next time I'd take in extra fluids too, like drink a bunch of water or gatorade (yeah, I know you were puking) and that should help too. Poor thing!
That's just what I mean. The morkie I met was so sweet and playful and not yippy/scared/mean like most small dogs at all. He was so fucking awesome!