Hi there!
Introducing myself a little bit... as I said before (and I don't like to repeat things myself but I'm going to make the effort), I am imachizuki-san, but I let you call me imachii.
I'm 21 years old and I'm one of those kind of aquarius that don't know if they are cold aquarius or cuddly and unbearable because of how tiresome they can be sometimes.
I'm not good at introductions, if you hadn't noticed.
Some people call me bossy, I prefer to call it dominant. I'm a little kinky, although I don't know if the term "a little" describes the right amount.
You will never see me with a choker, and if you see me with a choker is that I have returned tomonogamy and therefore someone has dismantled all my principles and "I've gone crazy (but really crazy) for love".
Maybe in a few days I will upload another blog explaining something more about me, or maybe I will just upload explaining how my day has gone, I am a bit like a box of surprises.