If you look above me you will notice that my baby Jill is gray. She was booted of because off some BS. An e-mail was sent to Missy so if I turn gray in the next few day's you'll know why. (while I was typing the e-mail Jack Johnson's where'd all the "Good People go came on.)
"Thanks for your link man it rules. And thanks for your contribution to sg it also rules" You all could learn a thing or two from teddykev you unappreciative JERKS!!!!!!! (Sorry was that mean? I can never tell.)
And now, for my non-readers:
The picture show.
Instead of making a clean version of my CD for my mom I'll just send her a Will Smith CD. She'll never know. Actually I couldn't decide on a profile picture. so I flipped a coin and Prince Roger Nelson
I don't know what it is about bad girls but this picture is really sexy.

One of these guys is still alive. Can you guess which one?
this is me and my dear sweet Jule chillin' back in the day. I miss those days.
This is me and BrookeLynne. she's looking like she wants to kick my ass.
Sad Penguin forever.
Irina Forever. (Please don't hate me for this.)
Move over Richard Simmons. There's a new uber-gay in town. EVERY picture of Christopher Lowell makes me laugh.
Quite possibly THE sexiest mug shot ever. (Kimoa Lee...sigh.)
Mark Wexler has boobs.
My roommate is moving out at the end of the month. I sure am going to miss his TV. Is there anyone out there that can fill this void in my heart? and my living room?
EQUALS Leeh getting some hot white chick to join my lame multicultural rap group to prove that not only is it possible for all races but all sexes to suck as well... in harmony.
That's Stacy Ferguson. AKA Fergie. AKA the hot white chick from her Kids Incorporated days..
Hey, what do you want? I've been busy. I'll be back in a while with "From the vault."
Who shot Ya!
"Thanks for your link man it rules. And thanks for your contribution to sg it also rules" You all could learn a thing or two from teddykev you unappreciative JERKS!!!!!!! (Sorry was that mean? I can never tell.)
And now, for my non-readers:
The picture show.

Instead of making a clean version of my CD for my mom I'll just send her a Will Smith CD. She'll never know. Actually I couldn't decide on a profile picture. so I flipped a coin and Prince Roger Nelson

I don't know what it is about bad girls but this picture is really sexy.

One of these guys is still alive. Can you guess which one?

this is me and my dear sweet Jule chillin' back in the day. I miss those days.

This is me and BrookeLynne. she's looking like she wants to kick my ass.

Sad Penguin forever.

Irina Forever. (Please don't hate me for this.)

Move over Richard Simmons. There's a new uber-gay in town. EVERY picture of Christopher Lowell makes me laugh.

Quite possibly THE sexiest mug shot ever. (Kimoa Lee...sigh.)

Mark Wexler has boobs.

My roommate is moving out at the end of the month. I sure am going to miss his TV. Is there anyone out there that can fill this void in my heart? and my living room?

That's Stacy Ferguson. AKA Fergie. AKA the hot white chick from her Kids Incorporated days..
Hey, what do you want? I've been busy. I'll be back in a while with "From the vault."
Who shot Ya!
I'll miss you
although I would still have you on my space and aim, but its just not the same...