oh no. I deleated my journal. Its been two weeks since my last journal and Ill be too busy to do another one this week. Everyone is going to think Im dead.
Then that should be your journal. im not dead
Done and done.
I was going to write this journal called no place Id rather be than....
In Bloomington, IN with Caddy eating an italian icey
in San Diego, CA with clearlii beating her ass at Scrabble
in kansas city with Jill handing her 1 dollar bills
in BrookeLynne (Sorry I couldnt resist.)
But I decided not to do that because i probably talk to most of you through e-mail and IMing more than I do through here (Im glad that it no longer takes boobies to bring us together.) plus I thought of this 6 months ago (like I do most of my journals. Ideas a plenty but no time.) and most of you have moved on or dont come here often so you wouldnt have see your dedication anway. Plus there are a lot of new people and I dont have much material to work with. So in stead I did a Random Thoughts. but then I deleted it so now Im going to try to rehash what I did along with some new experiences from this week. Like this one:
Months ago I had a great friend on SG. We talked about such compelling stories such as the goodness of Cree Summer and how great it was that I admitted to reading women's magazines. And then... she was gone. (Keyser Soze style) She ran off to Paris and left me as well as her other SG mates behind. But now shes back. And I would like introduce to you a most wonderful person. Give it up for Ms parisambrosia. (Thunderous Applause)
Ive been listening to a lot of Grime and Garage lately. (I can not stop listening to The Streets) and watching BBC America [The Office (I cant stand the American version.) and Coupling.] Now my inner monolog has a British accent.
Walking to work (Sometimes you have to do that... coming from where Im from... Im from.) I passed buy a bus stop. At the stop was a cheep looking coin purse. A leather one like one would make at summer camp. At first I walked past it but me being the cheep bastard I am circled around and picked it up. In it was a bus pass from the 14th (I found it on the 17th.) a few pennies and a $20 bill. Its possible that the person decided to keep there bus pass at a token of their day but more than likely the purse had been sitting there being kicked around for 4 days unoticed. No one bothered to look inside to see what was there. The story of my life.
Ive been making an insane amount of mix tapes for people lately. Everyone wants to rape my CD collection.
Have you ever met someone you really liked but you didnt really really like them? And you notice that they really really like you? And you really really want to really really like them too but you dont. Your loneliness is talking to you and telling you how much you deserve this. Because if anyone deserves to be really really liked its you. You want this so bad but your heart just wont budge. It just wont say a word. And you want to ignore it and give in to your loneliness but then your brain steps in and tells you that this is how all bad relationships start, when you ignore the small things. So you go back and forth for days wondering what to do because you feel that if you go one more day in this lonely, jaded, superficial city that youll just implode?... Wait. Im not talking about me of course. Thats just a general question. I dont need some silly girl to make me feel whole. Im happy the way things are.... (sigh)...happy
To anyone that thinks Im interesting dont worry, thatll fade away soon.
My web site has been up for about 3 weeks and Ive gotten over 200 hits . Thats not bad considering I started from a 0 fan base. A few of them have been you guys so thanks. Ive gotten a few potentially lucrative phone calls and e-mails from it so it appears to be working. To everyone that has left me messages thank you and to everyone who hasnt you know what you can do for me.
What? I meant leave me a comment. What did you think I meant?
This is a song that both guys a girls seem to like. Its called Pep Talk so if youve heard it I guess you can move on. And yes by clicking that you gave me another hit. SUCKERS.
Ive been thinking about changing my name forever. NobodyCares, Ugleeh, CoolHandLuke (I think thats taken.) TheDecemberist, KlickKlickKlickKlickKlick, K1ll, FarFromYours IwannahumpJill BackOfTheBus And more I cant think of right now.
Sighning off,
Who shot Ya!
Then that should be your journal. im not dead
Done and done.
I was going to write this journal called no place Id rather be than....
In Bloomington, IN with Caddy eating an italian icey

in San Diego, CA with clearlii beating her ass at Scrabble
in kansas city with Jill handing her 1 dollar bills
in BrookeLynne (Sorry I couldnt resist.)
But I decided not to do that because i probably talk to most of you through e-mail and IMing more than I do through here (Im glad that it no longer takes boobies to bring us together.) plus I thought of this 6 months ago (like I do most of my journals. Ideas a plenty but no time.) and most of you have moved on or dont come here often so you wouldnt have see your dedication anway. Plus there are a lot of new people and I dont have much material to work with. So in stead I did a Random Thoughts. but then I deleted it so now Im going to try to rehash what I did along with some new experiences from this week. Like this one:
Months ago I had a great friend on SG. We talked about such compelling stories such as the goodness of Cree Summer and how great it was that I admitted to reading women's magazines. And then... she was gone. (Keyser Soze style) She ran off to Paris and left me as well as her other SG mates behind. But now shes back. And I would like introduce to you a most wonderful person. Give it up for Ms parisambrosia. (Thunderous Applause)
Ive been listening to a lot of Grime and Garage lately. (I can not stop listening to The Streets) and watching BBC America [The Office (I cant stand the American version.) and Coupling.] Now my inner monolog has a British accent.
Walking to work (Sometimes you have to do that... coming from where Im from... Im from.) I passed buy a bus stop. At the stop was a cheep looking coin purse. A leather one like one would make at summer camp. At first I walked past it but me being the cheep bastard I am circled around and picked it up. In it was a bus pass from the 14th (I found it on the 17th.) a few pennies and a $20 bill. Its possible that the person decided to keep there bus pass at a token of their day but more than likely the purse had been sitting there being kicked around for 4 days unoticed. No one bothered to look inside to see what was there. The story of my life.
Ive been making an insane amount of mix tapes for people lately. Everyone wants to rape my CD collection.
Have you ever met someone you really liked but you didnt really really like them? And you notice that they really really like you? And you really really want to really really like them too but you dont. Your loneliness is talking to you and telling you how much you deserve this. Because if anyone deserves to be really really liked its you. You want this so bad but your heart just wont budge. It just wont say a word. And you want to ignore it and give in to your loneliness but then your brain steps in and tells you that this is how all bad relationships start, when you ignore the small things. So you go back and forth for days wondering what to do because you feel that if you go one more day in this lonely, jaded, superficial city that youll just implode?... Wait. Im not talking about me of course. Thats just a general question. I dont need some silly girl to make me feel whole. Im happy the way things are.... (sigh)...happy
To anyone that thinks Im interesting dont worry, thatll fade away soon.
My web site has been up for about 3 weeks and Ive gotten over 200 hits . Thats not bad considering I started from a 0 fan base. A few of them have been you guys so thanks. Ive gotten a few potentially lucrative phone calls and e-mails from it so it appears to be working. To everyone that has left me messages thank you and to everyone who hasnt you know what you can do for me.

What? I meant leave me a comment. What did you think I meant?
This is a song that both guys a girls seem to like. Its called Pep Talk so if youve heard it I guess you can move on. And yes by clicking that you gave me another hit. SUCKERS.
Ive been thinking about changing my name forever. NobodyCares, Ugleeh, CoolHandLuke (I think thats taken.) TheDecemberist, KlickKlickKlickKlickKlick, K1ll, FarFromYours IwannahumpJill BackOfTheBus And more I cant think of right now.
Sighning off,
Who shot Ya!
Wow. We indeed do have the same birthday.
really really" like u and wanna ignore small things and just go for it but ur heart doesnt budge? hahaha well hey that happens. that happens to me constantly and vice versa. Life sucks sometimes..but we all should just be content with life being single anyways..theoretically..but ideally, we all want to be loved sometime
Love your website and i think i told u that while back.. I need to update my website as well...god, what a pain in the ...