So Far, So Good.
I've been here for a little more than a month and so far:
AYRES has called me an asshole. (But for good reason.)
Bliss has told me that I'm "too much." Which leads me to believe that she's 30 or better.
BrookeLynne has called me "The bees knees."
Both bunnygirl and liz_marie1222 have called me "Babe" but I'm pretty sure they call everyone that.
Cheech called me his "coolest new friend." Awwwwww. And for the record I got this idea before I read your journal. I swear.
clearlii said that I "remind her of NERD" but I don't think she was sober when she said it.
Side note: Both Geraldine and Naudia are raising money for the 15th annual Walk For AIDS in Silicon Valley. AIDS kills people. You know what else kills people? Terrorist. So, basically if you don't support this cause you're a terrorist. You're not a terrorist are you? You big 'ol terrorist.
Grayce hasn't said it but I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm "fucktastic." (And she's a big Whale penis.)
Both ilovemikeHunt and parisambrosia have said that I "rock."
Jill hasn't said anything to me. Well she said "Hi"
skaterpunK told me to "bite the curb" Like in American History X. I guess he thought that would be funny.
Akira told me to take a "chill pill." but I still don't withdraw my statement.
And Lizbet disappeared while I was writing this.
I was originally going to end this by saying "If I forgot you... I didn't." but that would be mean. I'm better than that. And I'm better than you. (Just kidding, I'm better that the person sitting beside you too.)
I've been here for a little more than a month and so far:
AYRES has called me an asshole. (But for good reason.)
Bliss has told me that I'm "too much." Which leads me to believe that she's 30 or better.
BrookeLynne has called me "The bees knees."
Both bunnygirl and liz_marie1222 have called me "Babe" but I'm pretty sure they call everyone that.
Cheech called me his "coolest new friend." Awwwwww. And for the record I got this idea before I read your journal. I swear.
clearlii said that I "remind her of NERD" but I don't think she was sober when she said it.
Side note: Both Geraldine and Naudia are raising money for the 15th annual Walk For AIDS in Silicon Valley. AIDS kills people. You know what else kills people? Terrorist. So, basically if you don't support this cause you're a terrorist. You're not a terrorist are you? You big 'ol terrorist.
Grayce hasn't said it but I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm "fucktastic." (And she's a big Whale penis.)
Both ilovemikeHunt and parisambrosia have said that I "rock."
Jill hasn't said anything to me. Well she said "Hi"
skaterpunK told me to "bite the curb" Like in American History X. I guess he thought that would be funny.
Akira told me to take a "chill pill." but I still don't withdraw my statement.
And Lizbet disappeared while I was writing this.
I was originally going to end this by saying "If I forgot you... I didn't." but that would be mean. I'm better than that. And I'm better than you. (Just kidding, I'm better that the person sitting beside you too.)
Told you there was something wrong here.