Today kinda sucked at work. The girl i work with has pneumonia (who the hell heard of a normally healthy 24 y/o getting pneumonia?!?)
So anyway, that means 2x as much work for me. She won't be there tomorrow either...and i dunno what's up, but we have a freakishly busy schedule this week...yay for me. It's weeks like this i regret being a salaried employee (no over time *pout*)
Okay, how have your new year's resolutions been going? i've been a slacker
i've been a bit better about eating healthier foods, laying off the fast food breakfasts and stuff. But i havent' gotten my butt off the couch long enough to exercise much. I should get on the treadmill right now, now that i think about it. hrmmm, i'll consider it
I just watched a show on DIY net and have decided i'm gonna volunteer for habitat for humanity. I like to do volunteer work, and i'm all about the construction work, so i think it'd be a good fit for me.
To Do list for tomorrow -
1) find my damn ARRT certificate to send with my CMD application
2) the dishes that have been crusting up the kitchen counter for days
3), it's never ending
that's a long enough list...if i make it much longer, i won't finish it anyway.
okay, i've rambled on long enough
OH, i almost forgot...for those of you that have given me shit about it...there's actually a recent picture...(WITH my face included) on here now. So, quit yer bitchin!
So anyway, that means 2x as much work for me. She won't be there tomorrow either...and i dunno what's up, but we have a freakishly busy schedule this week...yay for me. It's weeks like this i regret being a salaried employee (no over time *pout*)
Okay, how have your new year's resolutions been going? i've been a slacker
i've been a bit better about eating healthier foods, laying off the fast food breakfasts and stuff. But i havent' gotten my butt off the couch long enough to exercise much. I should get on the treadmill right now, now that i think about it. hrmmm, i'll consider it
I just watched a show on DIY net and have decided i'm gonna volunteer for habitat for humanity. I like to do volunteer work, and i'm all about the construction work, so i think it'd be a good fit for me.
To Do list for tomorrow -
1) find my damn ARRT certificate to send with my CMD application
2) the dishes that have been crusting up the kitchen counter for days
3), it's never ending
that's a long enough list...if i make it much longer, i won't finish it anyway.
okay, i've rambled on long enough
OH, i almost forgot...for those of you that have given me shit about it...there's actually a recent picture...(WITH my face included) on here now. So, quit yer bitchin!
OMG- you are so cute!!!

Iky, I got pnuemonia when I was horrible 1 1/2 pack a day smoking habit....